Sl.No. |
Name / Registration No. |
Name of Guide/co-guide |
Title of Research Work |
(Date) |
Photo |
(17DR000400) |
Prof. S.K. Gupta |
Removal of iron and manganese from metal mine water by electro-coagulation. |
23.09.2017 |
Sristy Salaj
(2015DR0098) |
Dr. Anshumali |
Study on microbial enzyme assey in agricultural and forest soils of East Sikkim district, Eastern Himalaya. |
2016 |
Ashok Kumar Dubey
(2014DR0073) |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
PAHs and Heavy Metals Emission from Vehicular Exhausts and their Exposure on Roadside Commuters in Industrialized belt of Jharia, Dhanbad Eastern India. |
26.08.2016 |
Monish Awasthi
(2012DR0175) |
Dr. P.K. Singh |
Evaluation of aquafier potential and estimation of suitable technique to improve the recharge in Western Jharia Coalfield. |
26.03.2014 |
Deblina Maiti
(2012DR0151) |
Prof. S. K. Maiti |
Ecorestoration of opencast coal mine degraded land- with emphasis on grass legume mixtures, energy plantation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity conservation and productivity enhancement |
12.08.2014 |
Arvind Kumar
(2012DR0119) |
Prof.Gurdeep Singh |
Air Quality Impact Assessment with Special Reference to particulate Pollution Due to Iron Ore Mining Activities in Goa Mining Region |
24.04.2013 |
Ekta Singh
(2012DR0095) |
Dr. M. K. Jain |
An Investigations into Land Use and Land Cover Changes in a mining area and Its Impacts on the Social Spectrum using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing data |
28.02.2014 |
Subhashree Pattnayak
(2012DR0076) |
Dr. Alok Sinha |
Remediation of groundwater contaminated with Hexavalent Chromium in Sukinda Valley, Odisha, using nano-zero valent iron (nZVI) technology. |
16.01.2013 |
Neha Rani
(2012DR0064) |
Dr. Suresh Pandian E. |
Development of an integrated air quality model for the assessment of ambient aerosols from traffic sources and its impacts on urban climate. |
11.01.2013 |
Dali Mondal
(2011DR0002) |
Dr. P.K. Singh |
Impact of Meteorological change and land-use pattern on water resources in coal mining region, India. |
14.11.2011 |
Mritika Basu
(2008DR0006) |
Prof. S.K. Gupta |
An investigation into disinfection by-products formation and their management in water supplies. |
01.12.2010 |
Chitralekha Sengupta
(2007DR0252) |
Dr. Anshumali |
Restoration of soil fertility through biological process in an overburden dump of Basta Coal OCP, Jharia, Eastern Coalfield. |
19.07.2013 |