Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

List of Ph.D. - Dropouts



Sl.No. Student
Name / Registration No.
Name of Guide/co-guide Title of Research Work Dropped
Prof. S.K. Gupta Removal of iron and manganese from metal mine water by electro-coagulation. 23.09.2017
  Sristy Salaj
Dr. Anshumali Study on microbial enzyme assey in agricultural and forest soils of East Sikkim district, Eastern Himalaya. 2016
  Ashok Kumar Dubey
Prof. Gurdeep Singh PAHs and Heavy Metals Emission from Vehicular Exhausts and their Exposure on Roadside Commuters in Industrialized belt of Jharia, Dhanbad Eastern India. 26.08.2016
  Monish Awasthi
Dr. P.K. Singh Evaluation of aquafier potential and estimation of suitable technique to improve the recharge in Western Jharia Coalfield. 26.03.2014
  Deblina Maiti
Prof. S. K. Maiti Ecorestoration of opencast coal mine degraded land- with emphasis on grass legume mixtures, energy plantation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity conservation and productivity enhancement 12.08.2014
  Arvind Kumar
Prof.Gurdeep Singh Air Quality Impact Assessment with Special Reference to particulate Pollution Due to Iron Ore Mining Activities in Goa Mining Region 24.04.2013
  Ekta Singh
Dr. M. K. Jain An Investigations into Land Use and Land Cover Changes in a mining area and Its Impacts on the Social Spectrum using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing data 28.02.2014
  Subhashree Pattnayak
Dr. Alok Sinha Remediation of groundwater contaminated with Hexavalent Chromium in Sukinda Valley, Odisha, using nano-zero valent iron (nZVI) technology. 16.01.2013
  Neha Rani
Dr. Suresh Pandian E. Development of an integrated air quality model for the assessment of ambient aerosols from traffic sources and its impacts on urban climate. 11.01.2013
  Dali Mondal
Dr. P.K. Singh Impact of Meteorological change and land-use pattern on water resources in coal mining region, India. 14.11.2011
  Mritika Basu
Prof. S.K. Gupta An investigation into disinfection by-products formation and their management in water supplies. 01.12.2010
  Chitralekha Sengupta
Dr. Anshumali Restoration of soil fertility through biological process in an overburden dump of Basta Coal OCP, Jharia, Eastern Coalfield. 19.07.2013