14-17 June 2015: European Metallurgical Conference EMC2015


June 14, 2015 - June 17, 2015 | Duesseldorf, Germany


The European Metalurgical Conference, EMC, is organized by the GDMB, the German Society for Mining, Metallurgy, Resource and Environmental Technology, and is actively supported by the worldwide Professional Societies in the field of Non-ferrous Metallurgy. EMC constitutes a genuine platform for the exchange of new ideas between the European and Overseas Metallurgical Communities, as well as a recognized profound source for mutual professional information.


The conference will focus on new achievements from research, on the implementation of innovative processes and trends in production in the field of extractive non-ferrous metallurgy. Either based on primary or recycled resources, the non-ferrous metals industry has to cope with worldwide exploding energy costs, globally highly different labour costs as well as sharply differing environmental legislative standards to comply with.


EMC will highlight, in order to reduce costs, concepts for energy savings and for improved overall process efficiencies. The topics of this conference will be of particular interest to metal producers, engineering companies, equipment manufacturers, academic communities and the consulting business


Prospective authors wishing to present papers are invited to submit the title, the name(s) of the author(s) and an abstract of 250 to 300 words (in English). Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified of the acceptance of the papers beforehand. For Author´s guidance, please consult the guidelines in author.doc file, downloadable from, EMC area. All files must be DOS-readable.



For more information:


Contact Information :

GDMB Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e. V.
Paul-Ernst-Straße 10
Phone: +49 (5323) 93 79-0

