FLNG Africa Summit 2014


June 04, 2014 - June 06, 2014 in Accra, Ghana


Best Western Premier Accra Airport Hotel, 17 White Avenue Airport Residential


FLNG Africa Summit 2014, will feature African government officials, oil and gas companies, FLNG and FPSO operators, shipyards and LNG off takers sharing their perspectives about the FLNG market in Africa and will provide operator led, in-depth analysis of the current challenges and issues linked to the investment and deployment of FLNG in Africa.

Top 7 Benefits of Attending:

  • Strategic Dialogue with Africa's largest oil and gas companies, vessel owners and government energy officials on project updates and future projects in pipeline.
  • A no nonsense assessment of the current level of FLNG development in Africa and what needs to be done to make the leap from theory to practice.
  • LNG/FLNG economics and assessing the commercial viability and project costs for FLNG projects.
  • Latest technologies, concepts and technical issues of FLNG and containment, mooring, transfer, offshore liquefaction, regasification and Topside-Hull integration.
  • Small vs. large scale floating LNG and project case studies, ROIs and assessing pros and cons.
  • Assessing key financing and legal considerations for floating LNG.
  • Risk Management for FLNG projects and best practices.


Featured African FLNG News & Projects at the 2014 Summit:

  • ENI and Shell considers FLNG project in Mozambique
  • Tanzania is tipped for floating LNG solutions for the development of giant offshore gas discoveries
  • Ghana plans FLNG off Atlantic Coast.
  • Equatorial Guinea is looking to be the first country in Africa to have a FLNG storage facility with planned capacity of 2.5 million tonnes a year.
  • Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation is exploring offshore gas resources with FLNG Vessel.



For more information:


Contact Information :

Equip Global
Steven, Tan
1090 Lower Delta Road #01-16
Phone: 65 63760908

