Mine Site Automation and Communication 2014 WA


March 11, 2014 - March 13, 2014 in Burswood, Australia

Crown Perth



The Mine Site Automation & Communication WA 2014 event is coming back to Perth on the 11th & 12th of March at Perth’s Crown Casino. Over the last 12 months the mining industry has faced great challenges with regards to a mining downturn and a drop in commodity prices. With this shift has come an immediate need to review current operations to determine where costs can be cut, production improved, and efficiencies gained. Mining Automation is seen by many companies as the future of the Industry. For those that have implemented automation on the site significant improvements have been recorded by way of; production levels, increased precision as well as improved levels of safety. Having researched with over 50+ mining automation experts for 2014 our Perth event will be looking specifically at: Implementing an Available Wireless Communication Network Integrating Automation Activities on the Mine Site for Improved Productivity Gaining Senior Management Buy-In for Investment in Automation



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Contact Information :

Megan Edwards
Ph: +61 2 9229 1000


