26 May 2021: Webinar on "Introduction to subsurface flow and transport modeling with FEFLOW"


Centre for Water Resource Management (CWRM) at IIT (ISM) Dhanbad in association with DHI India Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd is organising a webinar on "Introduction to subsurface flow and transport modeling with FEFLOW" on 26th May 2021, from 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM.


FEFLOW is a worldwide recognised software package used to simulate subsurface flow and transport processes. The typical applications of the software include


  • Regional groundwater management
  • Groundwater management in construction and tunneling
  • Capture zone and risk assessment via groundwater-age calculation
  • Mine water management
  • Saltwater intrusion
  • Brine management (injection)
  • Seepage through dams and levees
  • Groundwater remediation and natural attenuation
  • Geothermal energy extraction
  • Groundwater induced subsidence
  • Simulation of industrial porous media


Dr Carlos Rivera Villarreyes

Global Product Specialist for FEFLOW, DHI will provide an overview of FEFLOW’s capabilities to support you with the most difficult challenges in hydrogeology and subsurface modeling in this one hour webinar.



Webinar Date: 26th May 2021

Webinar Timimg: 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM

Google Meet Webinar Link:

Webinar Flyer: PDF FILE  |   IMAGE FILE