27 February - 28 February 2020: Fly Ash Utilisation AWARDS - 2020


February 27, 2020 - February 28, 2020 | Goa, India


IHCL SeleQtions ( Cidade de Goa )



At present, 63% of the fly ash is being utilised and target is for 100% utilisation of the fly ash. There is need for education and awareness generation. Road contractors and construction engineers need to know the benefits of using fly ash in construction. Measures need to be taken to reduce the cost of construction of roads using fly ash by way of tax structure, subsidies and transportation services. Besides, there is a need to prevent the ash from coming to the power plant by washing the coal at its place of origin. The government should also come out with a policy to encourage fly ash use in cement plant.

As far as the mode of utilisation was concerned, the CEA’s report indicates that the utilisation of fly ash is the highest in the cement sector with 24.04% of the total fly ash used, followed by bricks and tiles at 7.37 per cent. The concrete industry segment has the lowest level of utilisation at 0.6 %

For the purposes of quantitative analysis, 951 MT of cement production and 1,340 MT of coal in electricity generation by 2030 have been considered. At average ash content in coal of 33%, this implies that the annual fly ash generation by 2030 will be approximately 437 MT. If the current trends in utilisation of flyash were to continue, overall the utilisation will tune up to 310 MT by 2030, with cement’s share in utilisation, as a percentage of total fly ash generated, increasing from 25% to 35% by 2030. While cement’s fly ash requirement will grow fourfold, to 151 MT in 2030, approximately 128 MT of fly ash will still remain unutilised. This will require an additional 2,300 hectares of land and 1.3 billion cubic metres of water for ash ponds, exacerbating the existing problems concerning fly ash disposal. 

Need of the hour:

  • Conduct more research on improving the quality of fly ash, grading fly ash generated by different technologies and types of coal, and feasible blending ratios for the cement industry.
  • The BIS must update the blending standards, which have not been revised since 2000.
  • Improve transparency and reduce the costs of fly ash disposal by Coal power plants.
  • Limit fly ash production through greater deployment of renewable energy sources, using better coal and combustion techniques, etc, since cement-related industries alone will not be able to absorb all the fly ash generated in the future
  • The key requirements for overcoming the barriers are greater regulatory oversight and price control, revision of cement blending standards, research in improving fly ash quality, reducing cost of transportation, provisions for overcoming information asymmetries, and overall sensitisation of key decision-makers on the matter

The issues which impede its full-scale utilization in India:

  • Indian fly ash is primarily of the calcareous or class C variety, implying that it possesses not only pozzolanic, but also hydraulic (self-cementing) properties. In contrast, European fly ash is of a silicious or class F variety, implying an absence of hydraulic properties.
  • BIS revised the maximum and minimum blending standards. While the BIS is in line with the American standards on blended cement, the European and South African standards allow the blending of fly ash up to 55%.
  • The pricing of fly ash is increasingly becoming a contentious issue that is hampering its gainful utilisation.
  • Imperfections typical of quasi-markets, such as information asymmetry and high transaction costs, vested interests, technical and technological limitations, and the lack of regulatory oversight and political will, have impeded the flow of fly ash to its most value-adding use.


Mission Energy Foundation suggested several policies and regulations—ranging from tighter air pollution standards and efficient technology to developing policy framework for managing waste products—to improve the sector. The results of Mission Energy Foundation’s study and its recommendations spurred a wide public debate and, over the last few years, the government announced a series of draft regulations and policies to help improve the sector’s performance. Both coal-based electricity and cement are crucial inputs to economic growth; their substitutability is limited due to various factors, discussions regarding which are beyond the scope of this article are being discussed at various forums of Mission Energy Foundation.

The 9th edition FLY ASH UTILISATION 2020; is intended to provide a forum to meet and discuss the science and applications for coal ash and to transfer knowledge and ideas that will benefit their innovative utilization, processing, handling, storage, transportation and disposal.
Scenarios of ash generation and utilisation shall be presented by the industry experts alongside key technical, regulatory, pricing, logistical, and behavioural issues that shall be addressed to reach complete fly ash utilisation during the two days of value packed session at FLY ASH UTILISATION 2020.

FLY ASH UTILISATION 2020 is scheduled on 27 - 28 February 2020 at IHCL SeleQtions ( Cidade de Goa ) - GOA; which is expected to attract participants worldwide focusing on the business, logistics and technical challenges and opportunities in the coal combustion by-products sector. The two day of 360 degree technical discussions will be packed with multiple networking opportunities among regional and international guests.

Fly Ash Utilisation AWARDS - 2020

The Fly Ash Utilisation Awards 2020 will again be presented to utilities and its services sector who demonstrate highest level of commitment and best practice in utilisation of FLY ASH. Over the years the awards have its aim to recognize exemplary operations, systems and the evidence of their impact to business vitality. The awards serve as a catalyst to understanding the intrinsic value of environment management in business excellence and sustainability.

This year Fly Ash Utilisation Awards shall honour innovative developments and solutions for excellence and sustainability among the utilities, small or large, who have demonstrated their efforts in better utilisation of fly ash for the years to come ahead...

Mission Energy Foundation invites nominations from companies and their units having strong concern and commitment for fly ash utilisation and is willing to improve their own performance.

Encourage & motivate to adopt best practices and become role models for others to emulate. Encourage implementation of strategies for improvement in operations standards.

Reflects your commitment to Environment Protection & enhances your corporate status and image. Boosts morale of concerned employees and stakeholders, motivating management and staff of the organization to excel.

All Large, Medium, Small Scale TPPs / CPP / Service Sector Companies / Organizations and their units; Academic Institutions are eligible for participation for FLY ASH UTILISATION AWARD 2020

Nomination Fee
INR 26500 + 18% GST
Per Nomination Per Selected Category
Eligible to nominate one participant for CONFERENCE per selected award nomination

With the above in mind we request your esteemed self to participate & support 9th Edition of FLY ASH UTLILISATION - 2020

Live updates available at

Sent on Behalf of

Ashwinkumar | Director General
+919833951556 |

Mission Energy Foundation (A not-for-profit Organisation)
003, B-16, Sector 1, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road, Thane, Maharashtra - 401107
Helpline: 1800 212 5122




