13 November - 15 November 2017: Strategic Mine Planning with New Digital Technologies. Risk Management and Mineral Value Chains.


November 13, 2017 - November 15, 2017 | Perth, Australia


Pan Pacific Perth, 207 Adelaide Terrace



This course is designed for mining engineers, mine planners, mine geologists, project managers, resource analysts, involved in feasibility studies, development and operations, interested in new technologies for risk management and optimal decision support.

Please note: It is strongly recommended that participants bring a laptop.


Roussos Dimitrakopoulos is a Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development and Optimization under Uncertainty, and Director, COSMO - Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory. He holds a PhD from École Polytechnique de Montréal and an MSc from the University of Alberta. He works on risk-based simulation and stochastic optimization in mine planning and production scheduling, the simultaneous optimization of mining complexes and mineral value chains under uncertainty. He has taught short courses and worked in Australia, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and Japan. He received the Synergy Award of Innovation in 2012 by the Governor General of Canada for research contributions to mining science and engineering and his long-standing partnership with Anglo Gold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP Billiton, De Beers, Newmont Mining, Vale and Kinross Gold. In 2013, he received AIME’s Mineral Economics Award, and was a CIM distinguished lecturer in 2015-2016.


Dr Brett King is a respected global figure in the field of optimisation application and research. Dr King has more than 30 years of international experience covering operational and strategic roles in both small and multi-national companies. Prior to establishing COMET Strategy in 2000 while working in the Rio Tinto Technical Services group, his role included advising on practical strategy implementation decisions for their most valuable projects including Bingham Canyon, Escondida, Grassberg and Boron operations. He then created COMET Strategy Pty Ltd to help the mining industry implement optimisation principles based on the pioneering optimisation algorithms from Ken Lane, creating the COMET Optimal Scheduler software in 2001. This software is now widely used by the large mining houses for strategic planning of their most valuable assets. Significant clients include Anglo American, Antofagasta Minerals, BHP Billiton, Codelco, Glencore, IAMGOLD, Rio Tinto, Southern Peru Copper, and Teck Resources. These projects include bauxite, boron, coal, copper, diamonds, gold and uranium commodities from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Peru, PNG, Mongolia, Namibia and the USA. A widely published author and popular conference speaker, he holds a PhD from the Royal School of Mines at London University on optimal mine scheduling policies, as well as a Bachelor and Masters degrees in Mining Engineering from Queensland University.





Contact Information:

Rachel MaGill, Registrations
Ground Floor, 204 Lygon Street
Carlton South
Phone: 61 3 9658 6128 or 61 3 9658 6120
Fax: 61 3 9662 3662

