Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Major Activity

3-Day Training Program on "Monitoring of Ecological Restoration Success and Carbon Sequestration Using Remote Sensing and GIS"


Date | Jul 29, 2016


The 3 Day training program on “Monitoring of Ecological Restoration Success and Carbon Sequestration Using Remote Sensing and GIS” was organized by Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM, Dhanbad, during July 27-29, 2016 at ISM. The course was coordinated by Dr. S. R. Samadder, 18 Executives from several research and industrial organizations have participated in this training programme.


The Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, was established with the key motive of making environment better through its various R&D work. And also to make aware the people about the techniques to adopt and practices to follow for clean and green environment. In Continuation of our Promise to serve the nature, the training program on “Monitoring of Ecological Restoration Success and Carbon Sequestration Using Remote Sensing and GIS” was successfully organized between 27.07.2016 to 29.07.2016, with the key objective of combating the global warming by carbon sequestrationespeciallyin abandoned mining areas. The training program evoked a good response and number of people from various subsidiaries of CIL such as CMPDI, MCL, NCL, CCL and Nalwa steel and power plant had participated. The program was aimed to highlight and discuss the importance of carbon sequestration in today’s scenario. Number of lectures were delivered to the participants by the various experts. It began with the lecture on the importance and future challenges of ecological restoration focusing other area of abandoned coalmine degraded lands. The lecture covered all the important basic concepts and aspects of eco-restoration. Following this a session was held on how Remote Sensing & GIS can be used in monitoring reclamation work in coal mining area.A joint lecture was delivered on the operation of RS & GIS software for monitoring reclamation success. The participants also had a chance to visit the Jamunia eco-restoration site block-IIarea and Damoda eco-restoration site of Barora area. There was also a laboratories visit where participants got to know about the various instruments involved in the analysis, detection and remediation of the pollutants. Moving forward, a session was held on carbon capturing potential using soil and engineering methods. Further the presentation was given on how to study ecology and biodiversity for mining projects. The training program ended with an illustration of several case studies on ecological restoration.


Glimpses of 3-Day Training Program on "Monitoring of Ecological Restoration Success and Carbon Sequestration Using Remote Sensing and GIS" (27th-July to 29th-July)


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