Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Major Activity

MoEF&CC Winter Internship Programme (Session 2023-24)

April 08, 2024:

Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/Dept. of ESE & Coordinator/EIACP (PC-RP), IIT (ISM), Dhanbad awarded Internship Completion Certificate and gifted Mission LiFE t-shirt to Mr. Sanjay Gogoi (ID: SANJ1283) and Mr. Amit Kumar (ID: AMIT3705) for successful completion of their internship, enrolled under MoEF&CC Winter Internship Programme (Session 2023-24) at EIACP (PC-RP), Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.


The interns, Mr. Sanjay Gogoi and Mr. Amit Kumar did their internship in the discipline Environmental Science/Environmental Engineering under the guidance of Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/Dept. of ESE & Coordinator/EIACP (PC-RP), IIT (ISM), Dhanbad from 01st January 2024 to 31st March 2024. The title of internship of Mr. Sanjay Gogoi was “A GIS Based Approach to Delineate the Morphometric Characteristics of Khudar Watershed in Khajuraho Region of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh” and the title of Mr. Amit Kumar's internship was “A GIS Based Approach to Delineate the Morphometric Characteristics of Urmil Watershed in Khajuraho Region of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh”.


During the award ceremony Mr. Rahul Kumar Pandey, Project Assistant at Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT(ISM) and Mr. Bishwajit Das, Programme Officer, IIT(ISM) EIACP (PC-RP) were also present. Mr. Rahul Kumar Pandey assisted both the interns in their research endeavours, additionally, Mr. Bishwajit Das provided guidance and support throughout their internship session. Few other names who all provided their invaluable support throughout the interns' study and completion of their research, among them are Mr. Sanchit Kumar, Senior Research Scholar, Miss Roja Eliza, Senior Research Scholar, Mr Subhadip Sarkar, Research Scholar, Miss Apoorva Singh, Research Scholar, Miss Renu Thakar, Research Scholar at Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT(ISM) and Mr. Durga Das Chandra, IT Officer, IIT (ISM) EIACP (PC-RP).



Glimpses of Internship Programme Award Ceremony




Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/ESE & Coordinator EIACP (PC-RP), IIT-ISM, Dhanbad awarding Internship completion certificate and gifting Mission LiFE t-shirt to intern Mr. Sanjay Gogoi (ID: SANJ1283).


Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/ESE & Coordinator EIACP (PC-RP), IIT-ISM, Dhanbad awarding Internship completion certificate and gifting Mission LiFE t-shirt to intern Mr. Amit Kumar (ID: AMIT3705).


Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/ESE & Coordinator EIACP (PC-RP), IIT-ISM, Dhanbad and Mr. Rahul Kumar Pandey, Project Assistant at Dept. of ESE, IIT(ISM) along with interns Mr. Sanjay Gogoi (ID: SANJ1283) and Mr. Amit Kumar (ID: AMIT3705).

Prof. Anshumali, Divisional Head, HOD/ESE & Coordinator EIACP (PC-RP), IIT-ISM, Dhanbad and Mr. Bishwajit Das, Programme Officer, IIT(ISM) EIACP (PC-RP) along with interns Mr. Sanjay Gogoi (ID: SANJ1283) and Mr. Amit Kumar (ID: AMIT3705).