Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Major Activity

5 Day Training Program on ‘Environmental Clearance Procedures and Impact Assessment for Mining Projects”


Training Program on "Environmental Clearance Procedures and Impact Assessment for Mining Projects”
IIT (ISM) Industry Institute Interaction Facility, Kolkata


Date | June 12, 2017:


Training Program on "Environmental Clearance Procedures and Impact Assessment for Mining Projects" during June 07-11, 2017 was organised by at IIT(ISM) Industry Institute Interaction Facility, Kolkata, India by Dr Manish Kumar Jain and Dr Vipin Kumar. Executives of Tata Steel, NMDC, Balco, Maharashtra Pollution Board and Adani participated in this five day training program. Prof. S P Bannerjee, Dr Abhijit Roy, Dr Vipin Kumar, Prof A K Pal, Dr B Paul, Prof . Gurdeep Singh, Prof. I N Sinha and Dr M K Jain engaged the classes on various topics such as Environmental clearances, Methodology, Process, Documentation, Air, water, Noise, Land, Ecological Restoration, Social Issues, CSR, R&R, Env. Audit, ISO-NABET Certfication, Mine Closure, Case Studies and Forest Clearances were covered during the program.














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