Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Major Activity

3 Days' Short Term Course on Sustainable Waste Management Practices


Date | Feb 22, 2016:

Short Term Course on Sustainable Waste Management Practices
ISM Industry Institute Interaction Facility, Kolkata.


3 - Day’s Short term course on "SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES" was organized by Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM, Dhanbad, during February 17-19, 2016 at ISM Industries Institute Interaction Facility (IIIIF), Kolkata. The course was coordinated by Dr. Vipin Kumar, Assistant Professor and Co- coordinated by Dr. Manish Kumar Jain, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM, Dhanbad. Twenty one Executives from several academic, research and industrial organizations like Assam University, Silchar, West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Tata Steel Ltd. Jamshedpur, HCL, MCL, NCL, Megaplast Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai etc. have participated in this Short term course. The aim of this training program is to provide a comprehensive knowledge towards ways for safe and efficient utilization and scientific management of waste so as to recognize it as an asset or resource. 14 Lectures were delivered on Scientific Management and Utilization of Industrial Waste, Municipal Solid Waste, application of Remote Sensing & GIS in waste management, Biological Treatment of Solid Waste, Government Regulation and Policy regarding waste management practices & Life Cycle Assessment etc.


Glimpses of The 3 Days' Short Term Course on "Sustainable Waste Management Practices"










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