Jamshedpur | June 11, 2015 :

The International Human Rights Association (IHRA) caused organsied a seminar at its Sakchi office. More than 70 women participated in the programme based on ecology.
The members took decision was necessary to take steps for plantations and tree planting. National vice-president Kamal Akhtar and National general secretary Usha Singh and Rajshree Singh distributed plants of aloe vera .
On this occasion, Kamal Akhtar said that plantation ensures environmentally balanced, but we need to clamp down on cutting trees.
Clean environment is possible through the plantation. The beauty of the region is also increasing. Beautify the world, all people have at least one tree planting and care of trees will have to be determined.
Jharkhand government should also pay special attention to environmental issues. It also requires the cooperation of the public.
Usha Singh added that the way one flower makes no garland, the same way all the individual trees and built under his supervision so closely balanced environment. The environment and animals are dependent on each other, because our culture has attached great importance to environmental protection.
To collaborate in the organization Rajshree Singh said that aloe vera must look strange plant, but it has no end properties elsewhere. It removes blood loss and the body’s immune capacity increases. Prickly leaves of this plant are packed with disease prevention properties of the pseudo-code.
In the world of medicine it is called lifesaving.
At function the District President Chandana Chatterjee said the young man in the country can change on environmental issues. There is no shortage of talented young people in Jharkhand. He is required to provide the right direction and resources.
On this occasion, the state chief secretary Santosh Kumar Pathak, Prabha Tiwary state secretary, Chandana Chatterjee female District President, District President Alisha Tirkey OBC, general secretary Arun Singh, Malti Tiwary, Paramjit, Dharam, Harjit, Amarjit , Premseela, Rmawati, Srnjit, Surjit, Prabha and Susmita were present.
(Source: http://www.avenuemail.in/)