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| Last Updated:16/06/2022

Major Activity( Archive)

Major Activity

VC on Plan of Activities under LIFE for Eastern Region ENVIS Centers


Date | 15.06.2022

A video Conference was organized by IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre (RP) with Eastern Region ENVIS Centers, to discuss the various plan of activities to be organized by respective ENVIS Hubs/RPs in the Eastern Zone in context with the Sustainable Lifestyle for Environment (L I F E). The VC was scheduled on 15.06.2022 from 04:00 PM onwards. The VC which was conducted through Zoom Meet was chaired by Prof. Anshumali, HOD, Dept. of ESE and Coordinator, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad along with Prof. Sheeja Jagadevan, Asst. Prof., Dept. of ESE and Co-coordinator, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. At the outset of the VC Prof. Anshumali welcomed all the respective Centre's Coordinators and staffs of the participating Eastern Zone Region ENVIS Centres. It was then followed by a discussion on the concept of the event that each centre is proposing to organize and the themes and activities that individual ENVIS Centres (HUBs/RPs) of Eastern Region is planning, for conducting events at the local level catering to L I F E. At the end the VC was concluded with vote of thanks, delivered by Prof. Sheeja Jagadevan. The Eastern Zone Region ENVIS Centres who all participated in the VC were, Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Department of Environmental Sciences (DES), Kalyani University, Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) and Forests & Environment Department, Govt. of Jharkhand.