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| Last Updated:26/11/2021

Major Activity( Archive)

Major Activity

Celebration of Constitution Day at Dept. of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad


Date | 26 Nov 2021:


The Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad and IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre celebrated the Constitution Day on 26th November 2021 under the guidance of Prof. Anshumali, Head, Dept. of ESE and Coordinator, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre. All the Department Faculty Members, Technical Superintendent, Office Staffs and ENVIS Staffs attended the same. The preamble was read by Prof. Suresh Pandian E., Associate Professor, Dept. of ESE, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad which was then repeated by all present.


Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day or Samvidhan Diwas, is observed annually on 26 November to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26 November, 1949, and it came into force on 26 January 1950, which is celebrated in the country as Republic Day.