Date | Dec 15, 2020:
A 2 Day’s National Webinar on “Mining Environment” was organized by ENVIS Resource Partner, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre at Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad during 14-15 December 2020. The webinar was organized on Google Meet platform. The main objective of the webinar was to enhance awareness among all and responsibility towards sustainable mining and the need for preserving nature – the compulsion for environmental protection and pollution control by ensuring cleaner environment at mines.
The webinar was inaugurated by the Prof. Rajiv Shekhar, Director, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. Prof. Shalivahan, Dean (R&D), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Prof. S.K. Gupta, Coordinator, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad and other Faculty members of IIT(ISM) Dhanbad were also present during the Inaugural session. The opening remarks was delivered by Prof. Y.P. Chug from Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, USA. Prof. Vipin Kumar, Co-coordinator, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre & Convener of the webinar conducted the proceedings of the webinar.
About 158 participants registered for the 2 day’s webinar which included Students, Research Scholars, Faculty Members, Scientist and Working Professionals from various institutes and organizations. Around 30 research papers were received which are included in the proceeding prepared by IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre and 25 nos. of technical papers were presented during the 2 day’s webinar by the participants. The entry fee for registration/participation and attending the webinar and submission/oral presentation of technical paper was free.
- Students from – IIT Kharagpur, IIT Bombay, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, IIT Ropar, NIT Srinagar, Presidency College, Periyar University, BIT Mesra Ranchi etc. participated during this 2 day’s webinar.
- Faculty Members & Scientist from – IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, NIT Rourkela, CSIR NEERI Nagpur, NITK Surathkal, BIT Sindri, Sharda University, Ranchi Women’s College, MIT Aurangabad, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, UKA Tarsadia University Gujarat, Govt. College of Engineering Amravati etc. participated during this 2 day’s webinar.
- Working Professionals from – Coal India Ltd., NTPC, CSIR NEERI, Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board, Larsen & Turbo, WWF-India ENVIS Resource Partner, Tripura ENVIS Hub, NABET Accredited EC & FAE, E2E Mining Solution Pvt. Ltd., IL & ES Environment, SV Enviro Labs Consultants, etc. participated during this 2 day’s webinar.

Seven technical sessions on various subjects related to mining & environment such as environmental geology, geo-environment and management, environmental pollution of fuel resource, environment mining sustainable development, mine reclamation & closure planning, solid waste management, wastewater treatment, best practices in environmental management and remote sensing and GIS in environment were conducted in the two-day programme.
Eminent Speakers from various National & International Universities, Institutes, Industries and Organizations such as Southern Illinois University, IITs, Tata Steel Ltd, Reliance India Pvt. Ltd., Vedanta Ltd., Aditya Birla Group, etc. participated and deliberated on various aspects of the webinar themes.
Following are few recommendations/ comments which were made during the 2 day’s webinar by the technical session chairmen, guests of honours, keynote speakers, eminent industry persons and the participants.
- Some innovation in the technology to be discussed so as the global concern regarding the carbon emission is reduced. Some technology innovations that is very much towards the Government’s Mission of “Atmanirbhar India” and some start-ups and some concepts to be brought in here in this regard.
- Mining is said to be a gender biased industry and too dangerous for the women. This kind of mind set is required to be changed and involvement from both the gender towards technology innovation in mining sector is very much required and need to have some parity in this regard.
- As ENVIS Centre has been there for 3 decades, it’s a request to the Centre if they can think of having a program which was recently started in MIT on Mine Innovation in New Environment (MINE), where they are trying to bring up scientists, expertise, start-up companies, which will be a good thing and together with your experience we can go ahead.
- With time the challenges being face by the mining industries are also being greater, may it be environment related or safety related issues. IIT(ISM) ENVIS Centre needs to increase its visibility by giving out more focused high level programmes and also need to up their ante and increase the level of skilling and knowledge dissemination.
- What we need to concentrate right now is in Clean Technology. There is no way coal is going away but because of the pressure of climate accord, Supreme Court and because of environmental pollution issues there will be a lot of pressure on mining. Since they cannot go away and we cannot live without them, Clean Technology becomes very important. So, ENVIS should become a nodal point in skilling people and the companies about Clean Technology.
- Mineral exploitation, environmental issues, they are a microcosm of the global problems. Every industrial activity has the potential to disrupt the existing environment to varying extents and varying time periods. Our job as natural resources scientists and engineers is and should be to understand those systems, minimize industrial activity negative impacts over long period of time, and enhance the positive impacts for sustainable economic development for the society.
- The ENVIS Centre should have a broader scope in the research and information transfer activities. As a lead institution for exploitation of minerals and energy resources in India, a research centre focused on environment for mineral and energy resources should be considered. We should have inter-disciplinary research groups spanning appropriate department and they should engage together in order to solve these complex problems and implement the solution.
At the end of the webinar an online Feedback form (Google Form) was circulated to the participants and in return overwhelming feed-backs were received from the participants. Few of the feed-backs & suggestions made by the participants are mentioned below.
- More involvement of regulatory authority of respective state pollution control board as the environment management comes into force after the EC is received & mine is in operation. SPCBs are also the authority to issue CTO. It will be prudent - 1. That concerned SPCB is associated in the process of EC through a nominated member in EAC. 2. For compliance of EC/ CTO conditions SPCB can take services of environment experts for which there can be a empanel.
- Looking for an informative session on governance and policy in mining related to environmental aspects.
- Env. Auditing and Env. risk management, Env. Modelling may be included in future webinar.
- Thank you sir for organizing such a wonderful webinar. Please keep organizing more such webinars related to new and effective innovations and technologies in area of Waste water management, Solid waste management, recycling of solid waste and create something reusable, drinking water treatment.
- It was great learning experience from the academia and industry together. More such webinar should be organized providing insight of mine environment.
- This was very informative Webinar. I gained lot of knowledge in the different field of environment such as mining and water etc. Thank you very much.
- Such kinds of webinar need to be done at some interval as they are a good sources of information.
- I would look forward to many more knowledgeable webinars organized by ENVIS.
Proceeding-National Webinar on "Mining Environment" (DEC 2020):
Few Screenshots from the
2 Day’s National Webinar on “Mining Environment”
Click on the Images to Enlarge