Date | Nov 02, 2020:

Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), the ongoing Cleanliness Month concluded on Sunday at NCL Headquarters. The program was aired with video conferencing due to Covid. NCL Chairman-Co-Managing Director Mr. Prabhat Kumar Sinha, Director (Personnel) Mr. Bimalendu Kumar, Director (Technical / Operations) Dr. Anindyaya Sinha, Director (Finance) Mr. R N Dubey, Director (Technical / Project & Plan) Mr. S S S Sinha be present. Along with the secretary of CMOAI, Mr. Sarvesh Singh, the general managers of the headquarters, officers and staff and labour union representatives were present.
As Chief Guest CMD NCL Mr. Prabhat Kumar Sinha said in his speech that it is very happy that we are gradually recovering from this epidemic. He said that big and positive changes have happened in every area of NCL. The welfare activities of NCL personnel also shows comprehensive and invaluable changes in all projects colonies. He said good welfare activities have a direct impact on production and productivity. NCL is getting down on every scale today. He once again congratulated Team NCL on the foundation day of Coal India.
On this occasion, Director (Personnel) Mr. Bimalendu Kumar said that today is the foundation day of Coal India. Singrauli's cleanliness ranking is improving in collaboration with NCL's efforts. It is a proud that NCL colonies are one of the best colonies in Coal India yet we continue to renew and modernize them. He imbibe the cleanliness oath to make his workplace beautiful and clean.
Director (Technical / Operations) Dr. Anindya Sinha said that cleanliness of our campus, surrounding areas and environment is our responsibility. NCL has done a lot in the field of cleanliness and we will set and achieve new standards of hygiene in the future.
Director (Finance) Mr. R.N. Dubey addressing the meeting that it is just the end of cleanliness month, cleanliness will continue. He repeated his commitment to making NCL beautiful and clean.
Director (Technical / Project & Planning) Mr. S S S Sinha said that cleanliness is the need of today. By working with better environment and clean campus and continuous discipline towards it, we can truly achieve the goal of cleanliness.
People attended the program took the oath of cleanliness. On the occasion, the General Manager (Personnel) Mr. Charles Juster reported the innovative works done during NCL Cleanliness Month. Cleanliness works done during the cleanliness month were also displayed through the pictured video.
Remedi shell also installed in NCL, the program has established a remedi shell for retired officers and staff direct-2 two-sided dialogue from NCL which was e-inaugurated by CMD NCL. Through Shell, retired workers will be able to solve their problems by contacting in one place and benefiting NCL with their valuable tips.
The ceremony was also awarded awards to NCL's different sectors, units and personnel for outstanding works in the field of cleanliness. In the program, the quality of life of the NCL personnel were seen and awarded with the quality of life of the NCL personnel, based on the quality of life (Quality of work life) in their workspace and both of them. ? These awards have been resulted in measuring several scale like personnel facility, workspace environment, etc.
In the program, NCL personnel were awarded awards for performance in unmatched works such as escort maintenance, hygiene or renovation on workspace etc.