Date | March 06, 2020:
The GSDP Participants under the Waste Management Certificate Course had a Field Visit to Lodna Mines of BCCL and a tour of the Gokul Eco-cultural Park, NT-ST Project, Lodna Area under BCCL to have an understanding of overburden(OB) dump and the steps taken for the management and restoration of mining areas.
The Field Visit was conducted under the guidance of Prof. S.K. Gupta, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Coordinator & HOD, Dept. of ESE, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Prof. Vipin Kumar, IIT(ISM) ENVIS Co-coordinator, GSDP Training In-charge & Associate professor, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad and Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee, INSPIRE Faculty (DST).
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