Date | Jan 27, 2020:

IIT (ISM) ENVIS Centre (ENVIS Resource Partner) today inaugurated the 2 months GSDP Certificate Course on "Waste Management" at EDC, IIT (ISM), Dhanbad. The duration of course is from January 27, 2020 to March 17, 2020.
Prof. S.K. Gupta (ENVIS Coordinator and Head of the Department of Department of Environmental Science & Engineering), welcomed the participants selected for the GSDP 2019-20 Certificate Course. He briefed them about the need of the course, the need of leaning about Waste Management and the need of Green Skilling. He also told the participants about the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering and the importance of environment in our life. He said the selected candidates that during their course duration they can interact with the faculty members of the Department of Environmental science & Engineering and clarify their doubts. They will be having their practicals classes in the departmental labs having state-of-the-art facilities.
Prof. Vipin Kumar (ENVIS Co-coordinator, GSDP Training In-charge and Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Science & Engineering) briefed the selected candidates about the GSDP Programme and highlighted the important topics that will be covered during this Certificate Course. He even told about the ENVIS Centre and its role of providing environmental information through collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information in the field of environment.He even told that how ENVIS, by providing scientific, technical and semi- technical information on various environmental issues, has served in facilitating policy formulation and environment management at all levels of Government as well as in decision making aimed at environment protection and its improvement for sustaining good quality of life for all living beings. He even shared information about the website and the information that one can access from there.
Prof. Rajiv Shekhar, Director, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad was the Chief Guest of the inaugural function. He welcomed and congratulated all the selected candidates and gave his well-wishing for undergoing this GSDP Certificate Course. He advised them to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible as they have got this golden opportunities of getting trained by the faculties of this esteemed institute. He also said that the GSDP Selected Participants should utilize their Knowledge and skills that they will be gaining from this Certificate course and should try to work towards the betterment of the environment and the country.
Prof. Yoginder P. Chugh, Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, USA was the Guest of Honour in the inaugural function. He welcomed and congratulated all the selected candidates. He gave a presentation on "Coal Waste Management" and asked the selected participants to learn and acquire knowledge on this topic during this 2 months GSDP Certificate Course and they should also contribute their thoughts towards Land reclamation and Eco-restoration for mine degraded areas and how to manage the waste from this mining areas.
Prof. M.K. Jain (Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Science & Engineering) at the end proposed the vote of thanks to the dignitaries present, other senior-faculty members and colleagues present, ENVIS and Departmental Staffs and the selected candidates for attending the Inaugural Function of the GSDP Certificate Course.He even thanked Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change for sponsoring the certificate course.
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