Date | Nov 11, 2019:

Training Programme on " Mining and Environment' for executives of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) inaugurated on 11th Nov, 2019 by Prof Rajiv Shekhar, Director IIT ISM Dhanbad at Executive Development Centre.
Participants from Khetri (Rajasthan), Malanjkhand (Madhya Pradesh) and Ghatsila (Jharkhand) Mines of HCL has joined the program. The programme is coordinated by Prof. Manish Kumar Jain, Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering. Prof. Vipin Kumar presented the vote of thanks followed by group photo.
The week long training programme would focus on Mining and Environment. Faculty members from Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering and Dept. of Fuel, Mineral & Metallurgical Engineering will deliver lectures on the areas of mining and Environment to help the executives of HCL learn the various aspects of Mining and Environment.
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