Date | Sept 21, 2019:

Shri Subba Rao, CMD Inaugareted today a Center of Excellence in Material Testing Laboratory DSCE - KIOCL, at Civil Engineering Dept, Dayanand Sagar Collage of Engineering, Bengaluru, funded by Ministry of Steel, Govt of India and KIOCL.
Shri Salem Nanjundaiah Subba Rao was born in Bangalore, Karnataka. His father Shri Nanjudaiah was an advocate of repute, known for refusing unjust cases. Along with his three brothers, Subba Rao started singing devotional songs at the age of ten in the Ramakrishna Vedanta College, Malleshwaram. While studying in the school he was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. He became a Khadi-wearer. His first experience with India’s freedom movement was on the morning when he, along with other school students, boycotted classes. He was writing "Quit India" on Street walls and roads when he was arrested by the British police, but was later released being only 13 years of age.
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India and affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University. It has widest choice of engineering branches having 15 Under Graduate courses & 13 Post Graduate courses. In addition, it has 20 Research Centres in different branches of Engineering catering to research scholars for obtaining Ph.D under VTU. Various courses are accredited by NBA.
KIOCL Limited, formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited is a Government of India enterprise with its head office and administrative activities in Bangalore. It has a pelletisation plant in Mangalore and had an iron ore mine in Kudremukh.