Date | Sept 17, 2019:

While the first prize for "Exemplary Exhibit" attracting vistors at 8th Bhopal Vigyan Mela was presented to BrahMos displaying models of different balalstic missiles, MCL was awarded for "Exemplary Exhibit" showcasing open cast coal mining operations through working models of HEMMs.
The team of Lajkura OCP of MCl's Ib Valley Area displayed mining operations in the exhibit.
It was a proud moment to see sister subsidiaries WCL, Nagpur and NCL, Singrauli also winning 1st and 2nd prizes respectively in industrial category for displaying their innovations.
Prizes were presented by chief guest at valedictory Mr Kaptan Singh Solanki, hon'ble former Governor Tripura & Haryana and Mr Kamleshwar Patel, Hon'ble Minister Pachayati Raj & Grameen Vikas, Govt of MP.The exhibition attracted large number of school/engineering college students of Bhopal during four-day-long exhibition.