Date | June 06, 2019:
Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) celebrated Vasudha Mahotsav (World Environment Day) from June 1 to June 5 for making masses aware of environmental protection and promotion. While addressing a function held at Headquarters on Wednesday as Chief Guest of the occasion, Shri Gundahar Pandey, Director (Technical & Operations) NCL said that this year each employee will be given 5 saplings so that NCL as a family can help in environmental conservation. Shri P.M. Prasad, Director (Technical, Project & Planning) NCL was present as guest of honour on the occasion During the one-week period, the company organized multiple thematic activities in Headquarters and coal areas. Mahila Mandal teams of various areas also participated in the celebration by planting saplings.
The week culminated with a grand closing ceremony on Wednesday at NCL Officer’s Club Singrauli. Shri Gunadhar Pandey, Director (Technical/Operations) NCL graced ceremony as Chief Guest. On the day of the closing ceremony, a short play was staged by children which was aimed at highlighting the importance of environmental conservation. Shri Pandey lauded children and called for the protection of environmental resources.
During the 'Vasudha Mahotsav', the winners of painting, slogan and essay writing competitions were categorized among the senior and junior sections of the school for the promotion of environmental protection and promotion. Tulsi plants were also given as prizes to the winners so that they could take advantage of many natural qualities of the plant by planting it in their homes. On this occasion, a special environment edition of the house journal of the company NCL Panorama was also launched.
In addition, various coal areas and units of NCL were rewarded for creating models made from different types of waste and organizing environmental workshops. In the category of the best use of waste, Nigahi bagged first prize while Nehru Shatabdi Chikitsalaya and Amlori area got second and third prize respectively. Jayant and Amlohri areas were honoured for organizing workshops to promote environmental protection.
Shri Diwakar Shrivastava, General Manager (Environment) NCL welcomed all the guests while Chief Manager (Environment) Shri Sanjay Kumar Malaviya gave a vote of thanks. The program was attended by Area General Manager of NCL, departmental heads of NCL HQ and employees in large number.