Date | Jan 21, 2019

Sustainable Development of Coal (Lignite Mining) is the need of the Hour 'stressed Dr. M.P. Narayanan, former CMD NLCIL and Coal India Ltd while inaugurating the Two day National Mining Seminar at NLC India Limited at Learning and Development Center on 19th January 2019 in Neyveli.
A two day National Mining Seminar on 'Sustainable Coal (Lignite mining) scenario, Technology, issues & Approach' was organized by NLCIL at Neyveli, keeping the objective on sustainable mining and the worldwide trend.
Dr. M. P. Narayanan, in his inaugural address, expressed his concern on the productivity standards, implementation of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT). He also appreciated the measures of NLCIL for the Reclamation and Restoration of Fertility to the Mined out Land.
Shri Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLC India Ltd, in his presidential address informed that requirement of power is increasing and essential for India’s economic development. Presently, Coal/Lignite accounts for 65% of power generated by utilities and Captive power plants. Therefore, keeping in view the environmental issues and rising costs, Power from Coal (Lignite) in future should be through innovative ways to enhance efficiency and bringing down the cost to make it a cleaner and competitive source.
On this occasion, the Messages sent by Shri. HARIBAI PARATHIBHAI CHAUDHARY, Minister of State for Mines and Coal, GoI was read by Shri V Thangapandian, Director (Power) and the message by Shri SUMANTA CHAUDHURI, Secretary, Ministry of Coal, GoI was read by Shri.R.Vikraman, Director/HR.
To mark the occasion, an E-souvenir containing the Technical Papers was Released by the Chief Guest Dr. M.P. Narayanan and the first copy was received by Shri Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLCIL.
Shri Hemant Kumar, ED/Mines welcomed the Gathering represented by Industry experts from Mining and Allied Companies, Shri Prabhakar Chowki, Director (Mines) delivered the seminar programme perspective Functional Directors, Shri V. Thangapandian, Shri R. Vikraman and Shri T. Venkata Subramanian, CVO graced the occasion.
More than 250 delegates participated in this Two day National seminar and 56 Technical Papers in 5 different sessions on various themes were presented. An exhibition on Mining including excavation, reclamation, wherein different companies was also organized.