Date | Nov 15, 2018:

Under the agies of Director General Mines safety Bhubaneswar Region, Mines safety week celebrated with much pump and enthusiastic manner in Baphilimali Mines. Of Utkal Alumina International limited based at Rayagada district of Odisha. The program was celebrated from 1stNovember to 15thNovember. This has been started with the Safety Flag hoisting on the 1st day by the Mines Head ,Mr BRK Padhi followed with oath taking to implement the safety culture in all spheres of mining activities.
In this special occasion, the Unit Head & President of Utkal Alumina, Mr N. Nagesh expressed his anxieties over the safety implementation. He has expressed his sincere thanks to the mining fraternity for the safe working throughout the year & thanked the Director of Mines Safety for their regular visit& guidance to the management he congratulated Baphilmali Mines team for Zero accident in mines andapplauded that the Mining team achieved HINDALCO’S Safety policy Zero accident. Mr. Mojhar Beg, Jt. President of UtkalMr. Rakesh Mishra, Sr GM Admin, Mr TM Prakash Sr GM (HR) and other senior executives of the company attended in the final day function on 15th Novas a guest of Honor meeting presided by Mr. BRK Padhi, Head Mines On this auspicious occasion, the inspecting officials of DGMS from FACORMr Anurag Mahapatra, IMFAMr GS Sathapathy, OMCMrB C Maliik, Balasore AlloysMr.Nilamani Panda,have visited the mine inspected safety implementation of Utkal Alumina & encouraged the Mine employees in the era of Mine Safety & praised them for their sincere participation over the implementation of the safety management system at Mine.On their speeches the representative of DGMS applauded the efforts of Utkal Mines for Zero accident.
This entire safety week program has been controlled by the Director of Mines Safety, Bhubaneswar Region, Mr.R.Subramanium, who is a Mining Engineer by qualification, highly experienced & quite familiar in the mining family. After his joining in the Bhubaneswar region, he has introduced the half yearly& Mobile App Facilities safety week celebration with a clear intention of promoting safety amongst the mining employees in the whole year. While visiting mines, he is rather becoming a best friend to the mining fraternity which really encourages to the employees to work with utmost safety.
The program is celebrated with a heavy gathering at the evening hours followed with safety song, the presentation of the annual safety report by Safety Manger Mr. SanjyaPradhifor 2017-18.LastlyMrMukeshJha, GM Mines gave his vote of thanks.
As a whole, all the visitors have appreciated UAIL & the senior management team about their involvement for Mines safety. Then program of stage is managed by Mr, Susanta Dhal, Dy. Manager CSR & Miss Nirupama Barik and well-coordinated by MrBikasha Panda, Safety department, MrBinoda Pujari, ,Mr PCPatro ,Mr GBG Bhagaban, Mr.Subransu Sahu, and others.