FEB 17, 2017
New Delhi

The 2nd National Conclave on Mines & Minerals was inaugurated by Shri Balvinder Kumar, Union Secretary of Mines, at 10.30 AM on 15th February, 2017 at Convention Hall of Hotel Ashok, New Delhi. The Convention Hall with a capacity of 400 delegates was completely full with the overwhelming participation.
At the outset, Shri R. Sridharan, Spl. Secretary (Mines), GOI welcomed the delegates and invitees. In his welcome address he briefed about the developments that have been taken place since the 1st NCMM held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, held in July, 2016 and narrated the objectives of organising this conclave which provides an effective platform to receive feedback from the stake holders of the mining industry.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri R.N. Mohanty, Vice President, FIMI, complimented the Ministry of Mines for organising 2nd NCMM. He expressed concern for the continuous fluctuations in the mineral market, and that though the MMDR amendment in 2015 has brought desired transparency but at the same time feeling the pinch of the additional costs. He advocated for considering further policy changes to improve the health of the mining industry.
While delivering key-note address, Shri Balvinder Kumar, Union Secretary Mines expressed gratitude for the overwhelming response for the NCMM which provides close interaction with the stake holdersmining industry to address various issues and policy formulation.
He informed that during the current financial year upto December, 2016 the metallic sector has witnessed 17.6% growth while 4% in that of non-metallic sector. Inviting attention to the initiatives taken by MOM he informed that so far 21 blocks have been auctioned which is likely to fetch more than 73thousand crores to the Government exchequer. He further informed that in the coming months, the various State Govts. are likely to put 280 blocks for auctioning. Lauding the efforts of the 11 State Governments regarding creation of District Mineral Foundation, Secretary (M) informed that so far 5800 crores have been collected and these are being spent for various schemes under PMKKKY. Under the National Mineral Exploration Policy, 100 mineral exploration blocks have been identified, out of these 30 each are being further developed by GSI & MECL, 10 by Central & various State PSUs and 21 mineral exploration blocks are being proposed to be given to private sector. Under the Obvious Geological Potential Areas, about 2 lakh sq. kms. Area has been identified for aero-geophysical survey. He also highlighted the proposed initiatives of the Govt. for accelerating mineral development in the country. In this regard, he specifically mentioned about the proposed National centre for Mineral Targeting which will provide opportunities for educational and research potential in the mineral exploration. He has also mentioned about the National Geoscience data repository being set up with the assistance of GSI. In future, the mineral regulation will be carried out by IBM with the help of drones which will eliminate physical presence. He also highlighted the two MOUs being signed between TERI & IBM regarding preparation of action plan for remediation of abandoned mines and TERI & NALCO on remediation of red mud. While elaborating regarding ambitious project on Mining Tenement System being developed by IBM, he indicated that in future all the life cycle activities of a mine will be available on the portal including all statistical information. The project is expected to complete within 18 months and already an award has been given to WIPRO.
As envisaged in the National Mineral Policy 2008, a Star Rating System of evaluation has been developed under the frame work of sustainable development. The star rating system gives a ready reckoner to assess the various initiatives made by the mining industry towards sustainable mineral development.
Secretary (Mines) also highlighted the success of the Mining Surveillance System (MSS) Project which is a handy tool for detection of illegal mining activities using satellite imaginery. He mentioned that in January, 2017 and a Mobile App has also been developed under MSS project through which a common man can also make complaint regarding illegal mining activities.
As regards the ease of doing business, he indicated that MOM is being followed up with Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change to revise the guidelines for exploration in mining in forest areas. He further emphasised that there is a need to have single window clearance for various approvals has been taken up in the Committee of Secretaries to GOI on Energy & Environment expressed hope on the endeavour for grant of single window clearances.
Summing up, he also indicated that a vision document for mining 2030 is being prepared in consultation with NITI Ayog which would provide a road map for accelerated mineral development in the country.
Technical Session I: Auction Mineral Block &implementation of PMKKKY
Presentations on auctioning of Mineral Blocks & implementation of schemes under PMKKKY
By the State Governments –
- Chhattisgarh
- Odisha
- Maharashtra
- Telengana
Technical Session II: Impetus to Exploration
Presentations -
- Presentation on the exploration of blocks allotted to GSI, MECL & Central/State PSUs – By Shri Mohan Raj, Dy DG GSI
- Presentation on Incentive Scheme for attracting private explorers by SBICAP – By Shri SV Prasad, VP SBICAP
- Presentation on National Aero-Geophysical Mapping Project – By Dr Dinesh Gupta, ADG GSI
- Presentation on NMET - Exploratory projects taken up - By Shri Gopal Dhavan, CMD MECL
Technical Session III: Sustainable Development Framework
Presentations -
- Presentation on innovative methodologies adopted for environmental impact mitigation - By SMIORE
- Presentation on leveraging modern technology in mining - By HZL
- Presentation on leveraging modern technology in mining - By TATA Steel
- Presentation on socio-economic development of local communities - By NMDC
- Presentation on Rehabilitation of mined out areas - By Gujarat Ambuja
Award Ceremony
Presentations -
- Presentation on TMRA Portal & Mobile App – Shri Sudhaker Shukla, EA
- PPresentation on Marine Blocks - Shri AC Dinesh, Director GSI
- Presentation on leveraging modern technology in mining - By TATA Steel
- Presentation on MTS Implementation: Roles of State Government and Mining Industry – By Shri Ranjan Sahay, CG IBM & Shri T Chattopadhaya, Director WIPRO
- Presentation on MSS: Challenges & Way Forward – By Shri Prithul Kumar, Director MoM
- Presentation on Star Rating System - By Shri Subhash Chandra, Union Mines Joint Secretary
- Presentation on Mines receiving 5 star ratings award - By Shri Prithul Kumar, Director MoM
- Vote of Thanks - By Shri Prithul Kumar, Director MoM
Hon’ble Minister awarded 5 star ratings to the 32 best performing mines. The mines are –

Second National Conclave on Mines & Minerals 2017: Presentation