a) Venue: OPJ Centre, M/s JSW Steel Limited, Date: 18.02.2017, Time: 10.00 AM:

The programme was attended by mine owners, managers, supervisors and workers of nearby mines of Ballari Districts. The programme was also attended by Officials of Directorate of Mines & Geology and District Health Officials of Ballari Districts. The awareness programme started with inaugural programme and followed by three sessions of lectures, one from Dr. Sai Prasad Reddy, R. K. Hospital, Ballari, one from Manish Murkute, DMS, Ballari Region and from Shri Madhusudhana, VP, M/s MSPL and Secratory, MSAK, Zone I. In this programme three short movies and presentations were shown to participants on various issues related to silicosis, what is Silicosis, how silicosis is caused, symptoms of silicosis, prevention of silicosis, responsibility of workman and statutory provisions relating to health surveillance for silicosis. On this occasion one bilingual leaflet (English and Kannada) was also distributed to all participants.
b) Venue: Kuknoor Granite Quarry of M/s Bharat Mines and Engg., Koppal District, Date: 20.02.2017:

The programme was attended by mine owners, managers, supervisors and workers of nearby mines of Kuknoor and Bandargal granite quarries of Koppal District. The programme was also attended by Officials of Directorate of Mines & Geology of Koppal District. In this programme three short movies and presentations were shown to participants on various issues related to silicosis, what is Silicosis, how silicosis is caused, symptoms of silicosis, prevention of silicosis, responsibility of workman and statutory provisions relating to health surveillance for silicosis. On this occasion one bilingual leaflet (English and Kannada) was also distributed to all participants.
c) Venue: Pink Granite Quarry of M/s Dolphin International, Illekal, Bagalkot, District, Date: 21.02.2017:

The programme was attended by mine owners, managers, supervisors and workers of nearby mines of Illekal, Puthugiri and Bandargal quarries of Bagalkot and Koppal Districts. In this programme three short movies and presentations were shown to participants on various issues related to silicosis, what is Silicosis, how silicosis is caused, symptoms of silicosis, prevention of silicosis, responsibility of workman and statutory provisions relating to health surveillance for silicosis. On this occasion one bilingual leaflet (English and Kannada) was also distributed to all participants.
d) Venue: Lokapur, District: Bagalkot, Date: 22.02.2017:

The programme was attended by mine owners, managers, supervisors and workers of nearby mines of Lokapur and Mudhol limestone and dolomite mines of Bagalkot Districts. The programme was also attended by Officials of District Health Officials of Bagalkot District. In this programme three short movies and presentations were shown to participants on various issues related to silicosis, what is Silicosis, how silicosis is caused, symptoms of silicosis, prevention of silicosis, responsibility of workman and statutory provisions relating to health surveillance for silicosis. On this occasion one bilingual leaflet (English and Kannada) was also distributed to all participants.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Survey and Silicosis awareness programme among person employed in mines.