Date | Jan 20, 2017
One day technical workshop on
“Latest Trends in Strata Control in Longwall Mining with Special Reference to Strata Monitoring Techniques”
Organised at DGMS, Dhanbad, on 20.01.2017

Longwall mining is a highly productive, safe and successful underground coal mining method in many countries. However, majority of the longwalls introduced in India have not became as successful as they were envisaged. Main reason for low success rate of longwalls in India have been attributed to strata control problems. It is needless to say that strata control problems in longwalls not only hinders production and productivity but also endanger the safety of the persons working therein. For proper understanding of the strata behaviour and its effective control in longwall mines, instrumentation and strata monitoring is prerequisite. Presently, advanced techniques in strata monitoring in longwalls, like real time monitoring of strata movement, shield pressures, convergence etc. are used in some countries. However, presently, there are no standard guidelines on instrumentation and monitoring of strata movement in longwall workings in India.
In view of the above, DGMS organised one day technical workshop on latest trends in strata control in longwall mining with special reference to strata monitoring techniques, at Headquarters, DGMS, Dhanbad on 20.01.2017. The workshop well attended by about 52 participants from stakeholder like coal industry (M/s ECL, BCCL and SCCL), research organisations (CIMFR, NIRM), academic institutions (IIT-ISM) and officers from DGMS. The inaugural function of the workshop was chaired by Shri Rahul Guha, Director General of Mines Safety.
Total seven (7) technical papers were presented by representatives of different stakeholders in two sessions (forenoon and afternoon). The presentation sessions and concluding session were chaired by Dr. A K Sinha, DDG (SEZ). The workshop became a platform for sharing the latest developments in strata monitoring and strata control techniques in longwall mining and to draw inputs for drafting guidelines on standard strata monitoring plan for longwall workings.
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