Date | Aug 08, 2016
Mining industry is run by multi-disciplinary human resource. Executives from HR, Personnel, Welfare, Business Development, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, etc serve the industry other than the conventional mining engineers. Hence, there was a requirement of training of these non-mining executives regarding mining technology, its environmental aspects along with the applicable legislations. An executive training course entitled “Mining and Environment” was organised at Executive Development Centre, ISM, Dhanbad during 1st to 8th August 2016. The course was inaugurated by Prof A.K.Singh, Head of the Department. Dr.Biswajit Paul, Associate Professor, was the coordinator of the training programme. The mining industry responded very well and a large number of executives (37) were nominated from all over the country. The participants were nominated by various coal mining companies like Adani Enterprise Ltd (13); SECL (5), CMPDIL(5), NCL(5), MCL(5), CCL(3) and BCCL(1). Field Visits were conducted in Moonidih Colliery, India’s the largest mechanised underground coal mine, Kusunda OCP, and some of the post mining reclaimed sites. The participants visited various laboratories of the Institute in the department of Mining Engineering, Applied Geology, Fuel and Mineral Engineering Department and Environmental Science and Engineering Department. Faculties of international repute from various departments of the institute, CMPDIL, Tata Steel, DGMS delivered their expert lectures. In the Valedictory Session Prof.Vishnu Priye, Dean (R&D), was the Chief Guest”. In view of the inspiring response from the mining industry the department is planning to organize some more training programs for capacity building of the mining industry.

Glimpses of 8-Day Training Program on "Mining and Environment [for Non-Mining Executives]" (01st Aug to 08th Aug, 2016)
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