Date | May 29, 2016:

3 Day training program on “Water Quality and Management” was organized by Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM, Dhanbad, during May 25-27, 2016 at ISM. The course was coordinated by Dr. S. R. Samadder, 25 Executives from several academic, research and industrial organizations have participated in this training programme.
The Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISM Dhanbad has been catering the need of the people from industries and academia for making our environment better by imparting trainings, organizing workshops, seminars etc. since its establishment. Following the trend and duty to serve the nature, the 3-days training program on “Water quality and Management” was held between 25.05.2016 to 27.05.2016, with the key objective of better water management practices for better tomorrow. The training program was coordinated by Dr. S. R. Samadder (Assistant Professor/ESE) and with his skills, expertise and efforts the program evoked a good response and number of people from most of the subsidiaries of CIL, Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., NTPC, and CIMFR had participated.The program was aimed to highlight and discuss the major water pollution problems associated with industrial, mining and mineral processing activities, issues concerning the protection of water resources, and methods for treatment of water and wastewater for different end uses.Number of lectures were delivered for the participants by the industrial and academic experts. It began with the lecture on the need and importance of monitoring of water bodies. The lecture covered all the important parameters starting from method of sampling to sample analysis.Following this a session was held on unit operations for treatment of drinking water, where selection and adoption of physico-chemical methods of treatment for water was discussed. Meanwhile, the participants also visited the laboratories and got to know about the various instruments involved in the analysis, detection and remediation of the water pollutants. There were also two guest lectures by from experts from Rural Dev. Deptt., Govt. of Jharkhand on watershed management and their implementation in Jharkhand state. This lecture was on real time practices of watershed management, construction of water conservation structures and water harvesting in Jharkhand. Moving forward, a separate session on impact of coal mining on water regime and its management in Indian coal mining areas was held. Further the presentation was given on design aspect of water treatment system and the lecture was also focused on mine water treatment technology. The participants also learnt the techniques for reducing surface and groundwater pollution due to open cast coal mining using RS & GIS. The training program ended with an interactive session where experts and participants shared their ideas on water management practices during monsoon in mines.
Glimpse of the Training Program:
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