Date | May 06, 2016
Forest Conference Hall, Gangtok, Sikkim

ENVIS Sikkim at Forests Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim, Deorali, Gangtok hosted the 1st Quarter Brainstorming Session for 15 Eastern and North- Eastern ENVIS Centres of India on 6th May 2016 at Sidkeong Tulku Hall (Forest Conference Hall), Deorali, Gangtok.
The inaugural session was chaired by Dr. Thomas Chandy IFS, Pr. Secretary cum PCCF, Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department as the Chief Guest. Dr. Chandy during his inaugural address appreciated the role of ENVIS in information dissemination and thanked the Ministry for awarding the Best State ENVIS to the Sikkim State Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department. Highlighting the major environment initiatives of the state and the imperative role of ENVIS in its dissemination to the mass, Dr. Chandy suggested that ENVIS Scheme could be further strengthened through (i) Outreach programmes for the community like the Van Vigyan Kendra (VVK) and (ii) through international collaboration and linkages on global issues like Climate Change, Global warming etc.
Shri Abhay Kumar, Dy. Economic Advisor, MoEF&CC, GoI on his opening remarks mentioned that the current financial year 2016-17 is the last year of 12th Five Year Plan and from next year onwards the ENVIS scheme is to be continued on annual basis since the planning commission has been dissolved by the ministry. Highlighting the agendas for the brainstorming session Shri Abhay Kumar mentioned that the outcome of the session would be represented to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) in the ministry.
Earlier during the session, Shri B.B. Gurung, Additional Director – cum- ENVIS Coordinator, Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim welcomed all the coordinators and ENVIS officers of 15 Eastern and North Eastern Centres. During the inaugural session the Chief Guest also released book on ‘Biotechnological Applications in India’ published by Prof. S.C. Santra, ENVIS Coordinator, Kalyani University, West Bengal and ‘Eco- Friendly Guidelines for Tourists and Drivers’ published Sikkim ENVIS on Ecotourism, State Council of Science and Technology. Inaugural session ended with vote of thanks by Shri Rajen Pradhan, Sr. Programme Officer, ENVIS Sikkim.
The Brainstorming Session was followed by in-depth and detailed discussion on 20 point agenda as prescribed to the meeting. The outcome of the session has been drafted in the Minutes of Meeting as under.