Date | Oct 16, 2015
Director General of Mines Safety, Shri Rahul Guha, Inaugurated Gas Chromatography and Artificial Lung Function Testing Laboratory of the Science & Technology Division of DGMS on 16th October, 2015, at the Workshop Hall Building, DGMS, HQ. Dhanbad. Officers and Staff of the Central Zone, and HQ. DGMS, Dhanbad witness the inaugural function. On this occasion Shri Rahul Guha stressed upon the importance of the gas chromatography and artificial lung function testing machine in the changing scenario of Mining Industry. Gas Chromatography is used to very accurately and quickly analyse samples of mine gases, which may help in taking timely decisions, especially in case of emergency in underground mines. Similarly Artificial lung Function testing machine cum Computerized data recording system is used to evaluate the laboratory performance of the Self Contained Self Rescuers and Self Contained Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. He said that Gas chromatography and Artificial lung function testing apparatus have added new dimensions to the present spectrum of activities undertaken by the division. On this occasion Shri P Ranganatheeswar, Dy. Director General of Mines Safety (HQ.), Shri G.L Kanta Rao, Dy. Director General of Mines Safety (Electrical.), Shri Sanjibon Ray, Incharge, Dy. Director General of Mines Safety (Central Zone.), and Directors and Dy. Directors of the HQ. & Central zone were present.
Dr. A K Sinha, Director(S&T) in his briefing affirmed the role of Science and Technology Division of DGMS. He said that S&T Division has numerously contributed since its inception, by developing several standards, imparting training to key officials of mining industry and executing scientific advisory role from time to time. He also emphasized that the recourses and facilities offered were geared towards fulfilling the objectives of rendering scientific and technological support to the enforcement wing of DGMS in proper fulfilment and discharge of its statutory responsibilities. He entreated officers and staff of S&T Division to rise up to the expectations of the Directorate when the situation so warrants.
At last, the chief guest, Shri Rahul Guha, DGMS, expressed his good wishes for success and gainful utilization of the facilities available with the S&T division of DGMS.
