Date | Dec 25, 2015:

A brain storming technical workshop titled “Safety in Coal Transportation” was organized at Wani North Area of M/s WCL under the Aegis of Nagpur Region No. II on the 21st December, 2015. About 60 contractual workers, contractual supervisors, contractors, representatives’ from trade union, officials from Wani North area and representatives from ISO, M/s WCL attended the work shop.
At the outset, Shri D.K. Sahu – Director of Mines Safety, Nagpur Region No.II highlighted the current lack of awareness of the contractor workers on safety and health problems. He called upon the management, trade union representatives and others to come forward & work together to attain Zero Harm in the mines.
During the workshop, S/Shri T.R. Kannan, Ashok Kumar, M. Arumugam and Shri Karuna Kumar, Dy. Directors of Mines Safety, Shri B.P. Mishra, Area Training Officer, Wani North Area had deliberated on different issues like problems associated with dust, poor illumination, machinery such as tippingtrucks, tyre mounted drills and others alongwith remedial measures. Accident Statistics of M/s WCL and remedial measures was also discussed.
After the technical session, feedbacks of contractual workers were obtained.
Following suggestions/recommendations were made after the Workshop :
- Organisation of such type of workshops in the other areas of M/s WCL also and for contractor workers employed at underground mines also.
- Camps of contractor workers should be located out of the Mining Lease hold area.
- Publicity & propaganda on safety need to be given more importance.
- Present culture of marking attendance of contractor workers at their camp should be discontinued and attendance should be made at the Time Keeper’s office located near the mine site.
- Lighting arrangements should be provided properly considering Ergonomic principles to avoid ‘Glare’ to the operators of various machinery.