Date | Dec 27, 2015:
Report on 5 day Training Programme on
“ Recent Advances in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Computation ”
Five day training programme on “Recent Advances in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Computation” was organised by Centre of Mining Environment & Department of Civil Engineering in association with Water Resources Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA at ISM IIIF, Kolkata during 22-26 December, 2015.
Prof. Venki Uddameri, Dept. Of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA was the Key Resource Person.The lectures were delivered by Prof. Venki of Texas Tech University, Dr. Rajesh N , Scientist , ICRISAT and faculty of ISM Dhanbad. The training course was organized by Dr S.K. Gupta (Coordinator), Dr Alok Sinha (Co-Coordinator) and Dr P Srinivas (Co-Coordinator)
There were 23 participants covering Field Engineers, Faculty, Research Scholars, Industry Persons and P.G. Students across the Country.
The objective of this training programme was to bridge the gap between academia, R&D institutions and organisations involved in Water Resources Engineering and Environmental Engineering and toenhance the technical skill of engineers, officers and executives working in relevant areas. Emphasize was given on handsontraining on various modelling tools, methods & softwares. Resource Persons provided material and training on latest softwares like R Programming, SWAT, Modflow and Q GIS. Hands on training to the participants was provided through out the five days. Various Water Resources and Environmental Engg. modeling techniques were covered in detail during the course.