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Bio-mining helps in tackling garbage problem


Date | Nov 29, 2016:

An aerial view of the garbage dump in S. Kannanur town panchayat.


The S. Kannanur Town Panchayat in the district has embarked on a scientific way to tackle the mounting garbage problem in its jurisdiction and successfully converted bio-degradable waste into organic manure.


The authorities concerned of the S. Kannanur Town Panchayat have adopted the bio-mining method to solve the garbage problem that had been plaguing it for several years. The town panchayat with a little over 3,400 houses and several commercial establishments and lodges has under its jurisdiction the famous Sri Mariamman Temple at Samayapuram which is visited by thousands of devotees every day.


Tonnes of garbage generated every day in the town panchayat were dumped in a yard measuring nearly 1.20 acre situated along the Ichampatti road.


The garbage – bio degradable and non-bio-degradable – that got accumulated over the years at the dumping yard without being segregated posed a huge challenge to the town panchayat authorities.


A scientific solution to tackle this issue was put in place in mid-September when the bio-mining method was adopted on the advice of the department.


Town panchayat authorities said under the bio-mining process unclassified waste was divided into various segments.


Subsequently, effective micro organism liquid was sprayed on the segments every alternative day for a period of 45 days. The segments were stirred regularly.


One litre of effective micro organism liquid was mixed with 200 litres of water for 1,000 kilograms of garbage and sprayed on each segment, said the authorities.


Through this method the bio-degradable wastes were removed from the segments and converted into organic manure through a process and sieved using a machine.


Around 70 tonnes of organic manure were produced from the accumulated waste by adopting the bio-mining process. Of this, nearly 60 tonnes were given to farmers and locals at the rate of Rs. One per kilogram, said the Town Panchayat’s Executive Officer N. Kumaran. A long-term solution has now been found through the bio-mining method to address the mounting garbage problem in the town panchayat, Mr. Kumaran said.


The accumulated garbage which was around 400 tonnes some time ago had considerably reduced now. Around 290 tonnes of garbage had been removed till now, he said. The money collected through sale of organic manure was given as incentive to the sanitary workers and self help groups involved in this exercise.


