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GPS to monitor illegal sand mining


Date | Nov 23, 2016:

WITH regards to the petition concerned with illegal river sand mining in the region Green Tribunal has sought detailed status report to be submitted within two months.


The directions with regards to the requirement of Environment Clearance (EC) before operations are allowed to commence and also demarcation of the leased areas and confining the excavation and mining operations to the leases area shall apply in respect of all leased granted in the area. The status reported with regard to the directions will be submitted on January 5, 2017. In addition to the above directions NGT further directed the measures as contemplated under the guidelines issued by the MoEF for river sand mining 2016 and the measures required to be taken therein shall also be put in place which includes the monitoring as well as the establishment of check posts and cameras and GPS.


In addition to the above measures for transportation can also be identified and notified with immediate effect and distance from the road to the mining area and the routes which are required to be taken by transporters and leases shall also be as far as possible covered with hard material and sprinkled with water so as to ensure minimum air pollution and inconvenience to the nearby residents of the villages. At the same time NGT has also directed that, no inconvenience to the agriculturists shall be caused by the transporters or the leases while transporting the minerals or plying their vehicles.


In case of any complaint by any of the agriculturist with regard to the use of transportation through their land shall be acted upon immediately.


Besides, NGT bench has also stated that the concerned District Collectors shall ensure that no damage is caused to agricultural crop or agriculturists are prevented from cultivating their land and the harvesting work while transporting any material. The Mines Department shall also submit the status with regards to the amount of mineral excavated. The royalty collected from the various leases and the number of vehicles allowed to ply with approximate number of trips per day.


