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Indian Bureau of Mines requires more technical capabilities


KOLKATA | Oct 27, 2016: India expects to complete the restructuring of the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), the government’s multi-disciplinary advisory and administrative body, within the next six months.


The focus of the organisation has been largely administrative until now, but the IBM requires more “technical muscle”, given its new responsibilities of overseeing the star rating of mines and aerial and remote sensing.


The Mines Ministry has prepared a detailed paper on the proposed restructuring and has submitted it to the Cabinet of Ministers for formal approval. Once approved at the apex level of the government, the Mines Ministry will seek inputs from relevant Ministries of steel, coal, power and private miners to identify the technical areas that needed to be strengthened within IBM.


Besides technical manpower, IBM also proposes to expand its number of bases across the country and to establish more laboratories to reduce response time in terms of approvals of mining plan and mine closure plans.


The IBM’s technical expertise will also have to be strengthened to assist the organization with publishing the National Mineral Inventory. The Mines Ministry has instructed the IBM to publish the inventory yearly, rather than every five years to provide sufficient data for prospective investors.


India is seeking to woo foreign investment into the sector and is set to put up more mines for auction.


The Mines Ministry aims to offer information on both leasehold areas in terms of greenfield, brownfield and relinquished areas including areas given up by Geological Survey of India and other reconnaissance permit or prospecting licence holders.


