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Sand mining mgmt guidelines compliance must for environment clearance in MP


Date | Sept 17, 2016:

MINISTRY of Environment and Forest (MoEF) during the course of hearing at Green Panel submitted the guidelines issued by the MoEF Government of India titled Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016, under which the issues pertaining to sand mining in river beds in particular in Madhya Pradesh has been filed.


These guidelines are to be followed by the States in the matter of grant of environmental clearances by the District authorities and the State authorities. They provide steps to be taken by project proponents while submitting the mining plan, the District administration for identifying the areas for which mining leases may be granted as also the quantum of deposits, both available as also the annual replenishment plan.


Since this application pertains to illegal sand mining as alleged for which the Commissioners were appointed and on the Commissioner’s report the hearing has been conducted, a detailed instructions and measures have been given under these guidelines of 2016 under which a complete monitoring system for sustainable sand mining including measures for checking illegal mining, transportation have been provided.


State Governments need to respond on the steps have taken for complying with the aforesaid guidelines.


In a similar matter orders have already been passed under which State Governments have to respond on the above issue by September 28.


With regards to any specific study which has been carried out before sanctioning the leases. It is stated that so far no such study has been carried out, however it is felt by the State that on a general perception the demand far exceeds the supply. As far as that is concerned NGT stressed that they are in the view before embarking upon the exercise of sanctioning mining leases that they must have data on definite quantity to be excavated. The aspect of demand for the same also needs to be ascertained. This can be done on the basis of the areas where such demand are occurring and in the proximity of the availability of resources depending upon the relevant facts such as annual replenishment of the mineral in particular the river sand.


