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Coal India surrenders exploratory block in Mozambique


KOLKATA | Sept 09, 2016: Coal India (CIL) has surrendered exploratory blocks in Mozambique after failing to find mineable coal in them, the company said in its latest annual report.


Although the 2015-16 annual report did not mention clashes between the Mozambique government and rebel forces, conditions in the southern African nation had become unfavourable to operate the blocks.


The fact that no mineable coal was found in the area even at a depth of 500 metres has actually been a comforting factor for Coal India officers posted there, coal sector officials said.


The area has turned into a rebel stronghold and operating there was turning out to be a nightmare, the officials said.


After surrendering the blocks, the Coal India office there was abandoned and the officers returned to India in the nick of time. "We have been told that after their return, the Coal India office in Mozambique has been turned into an ammunition storehouse for the rebels," said one of the officials.


