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MOIL does not intend to mine for any other mineral in near future


Nagpur | Aug 30, 2016: The state-owned manganese-ore mining company MOIL Limited (formerly Manganese Ore India Limited) will be undertaking quantitative and qualitative examination of the composition, nature and properties of only Manganese Ore and not venture onto any other mineral or ore claimed Chairman-cum-Managing Director of MOIL Limited G P Kundargi while addressing a press meet at Tilak Patrakar Bhavan on August 30, 2016.


G P Kundargi clarified that at the moment, MOIL Limited does not have intend to undertake exploration, exploitation and processing of any other mineral except Manganese.


The Nagpur Shramik Patrakar Sangh and Tilak Patrakar Bhavan Trust had organized a “Meet the Press” with Chairman-cum-Managing Director of MOIL Limited G P Kundargi. While addressing the media personnel, G P Kundargi gave detailed information on all the previous plans and proposals made so far, the present plans and the future plans of MOIL Limited.


G P Kundargi claimed that with a target of becoming one of the biggest company in Asia by 2030, MOIL Limited will concentrate on enhancing Manganese Production.


