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Mines dept order creates tense situation in Dharbandora


PONDA | Jul 15, 2016: An order from the directorate of mines and geology, contradicting its earlier order, virtually led to a tense situation at Dharbandora on Thursday afternoon.


Following an earlier order, banning mining activities during monsoon, locals from Dharbandora had stopped a mining ore truck, but Vedanta has claimed it has resumed ore transport under a second order issued by the directorate, within merely three days.


Director, mines and geology directorate, Prasanna Acharya had issued an order on June 27, banning mining transportation during monsoon. "Transportation of ore by road during monsoon season may jeopardize safety of citizens using road network in the vicinity of mining leases or transportation route of such minerals," reads the order.


Within three days, on July 1, Acharya issued another order relaxing his earlier order. The new order claims that if the company is transporting the ore for their 'domestic consumption', it would not be treated as violation of the earlier order.


