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Iron ore mining at Surjagarh stopped again


Nagpur | April 26, 2016: The modest mining of iron ore at Surjagarh in Gadchiroli district has come to a halt. This time it is the local politicians, and not Naxalites, playing the spoilsport. The area has large iron ore reserves, known to be of the best grade in the country. It could not be tapped so far due to the Naxal threat.


As TOI had reported on April 22, Lloyds Metals and Energy Ltd (LMEL) resumed operations recently and had extracted over 3,000 tonnes of ore. This was the second attempt after 2008 when the operations had to be stopped after Naxals attacked workers and burnt the equipment. It was expected this time mining may continue with no Naxal interference so far. However, protests by Congress leaders like former MLA Namdeorao Usendi, and ex-MP Marotrao Kowase led to the mining being stalled again. The company put on hold the mining activities three days ago. This was a day after TOI report appeared.


They are demanding the company should set up a processing unit near the mine itself, instead of using the ore in a plant at Ghugus in neighbouring Chandrapur district. The ruling BJP had taken interest in encouraging the companies to start mining at Surjagarh. Union home minister Rajnath Singh last year visited the area and held a review meeting to beef up security.


Usendi confirmed that the mining work had been stopped and said activity should create jobs to employ the educated youth of the area who are otherwise likely to be attracted towards Naxalism. This could be done by having a processing unit and not mines alone. "Lloyds should set up a processing unit in the vicinity instead of taking the ore to Ghugus. We demand that mining should stop and first the processing unit should be set up," he told TOI


Sitting MP from BJP Ashok Nete called it to be a political stunt eyeing the upcoming zilla parishad elections. "Now the rebels' influence has come down and the new government has also taken steps to increase security that led Lloyds to restart mining. However, the agitation led by Congress leaders has again brought the operations to a standstill," he said.


Nete said even mining was creating jobs that could keep the locals away from Naxalism. "The processing unit cannot be started overnight as land has to be identified. The company has already suffered losses due to delay. If the operations do not continue it may be difficult for it pay wages for those already employed," he said.



Sources in the company confirmed the mining had stopped. "This time it was political pressure," said a source.


In a nutshell


  • Surjagargh has best grades iron ore but mining could not take place due to Naxal threat
  • Activities resumed by Lloyds this month that extracted 3,000 tonnes
  • This time Cong leaders objected, demanding the company should process ore locally
  • At present it is taken to a factory at Ghugus in neighbouring Chandrapur
  • Mining alone cannot create enough jobs, say leaders


