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Deptt. of Geology & Mining stall adjudged the best


ITANAGAR | Feb 25, 2016: The stall of Department of Geology & Mining, GoAP which was jointly put up along with Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines, GoI and Oil India Limited, displaying different specimens of rocks, minerals, fossils and other geological structures along with posters on various themes including the ensuing 36th International Geological Congress 2020 to be held at New Delhi was adjudged the best stall in the Statehood Day exhibition organized in IG Park, Itanagar recently.


Several dignitaries including, Governor JP Rajkhowa, Chief Minister Kalikho Pul besides, Commissioner, Geology and Mining, Hage Batt and Capital Complex DC Sandeep Kumar Singh visited the stall.


Impressed by the immense contributions made by GSI to the state, CM Kalikho Pul assured all possible help to the department in carrying out survey and exploration in the state.


