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Publish report on Goa's water security: NGO


Panaki | Feb 02, 2016: A local green NGO has asked the Goa government to publish an annual report on water security of the state covering all river basins, as a part of its forthcoming Water Policy.


"State of Goa should publish a report on annual water security of the state covering all the river basins and sub watersheds," read the suggestion submitted yesterday by Goa-based Mhadei Bachao Abhiyan (MBA) to state Water Resources Minister Dayanand Mandrekar.


The Abhiyan, which was formed to save Mandovi river from construction of dam upstream by neighbouring Karnataka, has also asked Goa government to publish an annual report on chemical and biological quality of water.


The state should cap exploitation of groundwater in industrial estates by private tanker suppliers, the NGO said in its suggestion for the 'Goa Water Policy', the draft of which would be kept for public objections shortly in various panchayats and municipal councils.


The Abhiyan, led by former state power minister Nirmala Sawant and environmentalist Rajendra Kerkar, has also suggested that Goa should not permit privatisation of (water) supply from public sources of water.


Goa should study the impact of salinisation of groundwater due to sand mining and stop such activities. It should also survey, map and conserve all natural springs and fountains and rejuvenate those which are in ruinous state, it suggested.


The Abhiyan has also recommended use of eco-friendly technologies for restoration of water quality in mining areas.


The water resource department should promote sustainable micro-irrigation schemes for the benefit of small farmers, it said.


A no-development zone should be marked to protect catchment ares of all the streams, springs, fountains based on satellite imagery, the NGO said.


