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Panels for Evaluation of Mining Blocks


HYDERABAD | Jan 08, 2016: The industries department has constituted three committees for identification of mineral bearing areas, delineation/demarcation and evaluation of mining blocks in the state. Industries secretary Arvind Kumar issued orders to this effect on Thursday.


The committees were constituted in accordance with the Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 of the Central government.


The first committee has officials of GSI, IBM, DMG and TSMDC. The task of the committee is to identify resources.


The second committee consists of officials of GSI, DM&G, SCCL, TSMDC, revenue and forest department as members. The task of this committee is demarcation of identified mineral resource areas. The third panel will evaluate private exploration agencies for empanelment, in which officials of GSI, IBM, MECON or any other technical agency will be the members.


The director of mines and geology shall take necessary action for preparedness for the auction of mineral blocks by the state government, the orders said.


