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Last Updated:: 09/07/2013
Fly Ash India 2005, New Delhi
Vimal Kumar*, Mukesh Mathur **, Shashank Shekhar Sinha ***, Sagar Dhatrak ****
@ The views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily of the organisations to which the authors have affiliation.
* Dr. Vimal Kumar, Adviser, Fly Ash Utilisation Programme, TIFAC, DST, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
** Shri Mukesh Mathur, Sr. Scientific Officer, Fly Ash Utilisation Programme, TIFAC, New Delhi, India.
*** Shri Shashank Shekhar Sinha, Sr. Project Officer, Fly Ash Utilisation Programme, TIFAC, New Delhi, India.
**** Shri Sagar Dhatrak, Project Officer, Fly Ash Utilisation Programme, TIFAC, New Delhi, India.
It is the action of human beings that determines the worth of any material. Materials having potential for gainful utilisation remain in the category of waste till its potential is understood and is put to right use. Fly ash is one of such examples, which has been treated as a waste material, in India, till a decade back, and has now emerged not only as a resource material, but also as an environment saviour. Use of fly ash in manufacture of cement, part substitution of cement in concrete/ mortar, manufacture of bricks etc, at current annual levels, saves generation of CO2 by 25 million tonne, good quality lime by 35 million tonne and coal by 15 million tonne a year. The potential that is yet to be tapped is multifold of the current levels. Conservation of mineral resources also reduces mining activity and the resultant degradation of environment. Other utilisations of fly ash like in construction of roads embankments (in lieu of soil), reclamation of low lying areas and mine filling etc. conserve 20 million m3 soil per year (5000 acres of land), precious river bed sand & river ecology. Fly ash also holds potential for cleaning the waste water and effluents.
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