Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025

Utilization of Fly ash for Crop Production: Effect on the Growth of Wheat and Sorghum Crops and Soil Properties




Utilization of Fly ash for Crop Production: Effect on the Growth of Wheat and Sorghum Crops and Soil Properties




1Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Rohini, Delhi-110 085
2Ch. Chhotu Ram (P.G.) College, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
3Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012





Present paper reports the results of the study on the effects of varying levels of fly ash (0,5,10,20 t./ha ) and nitrogen ( 0,10,20 ,40 kg/ha) on germination, growth parameters, yield of wheat and sorghum crops and soil properties. Field experiments were carried out at the Muthiani village near National Capital Power Project (NCPP), Dadri, U.P.and Research Farm CCR (PG) College, Muzaffarnagar,U.P. during the years, 2004-06. Germination and early growth was affected adversely in wheat but increasing levels of fly ash did not cause any harmful effect in sorghum. Grain yield of both the crops was slightly increased at higher levels of nitrogen and ash i.e. 20t/ha coal burnt ash + 120kg/ha N (wheat) or 40 kg/ha N (sorghum). Water transmission characteristics of experimental soil (saturated hydraulic conductivity) decreased but water retention improved with addition of increasing levels of fly ash.



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