Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Mines Act (Act No. 35 of 1952)


The Mines Act
(Act No. 35 of 1952)


(15 March 1952)(As modified up to 1983)


Under the Constitution of India, the safety, welfare and health of workers employed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55, Union List, Article 246). The objective is regulated by the Mines Act, 1952, and the rules and regulations framed thereunder. These are administered by the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS), under the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment. The office has its headquarters at Dhanbad (Jharkhand).


(Details http://www.dgmsindia.in/)


The Act prohibits the employment of children below 18 years of age in excavations where work for the purposes of searching and obtaining minerals is carried out.


Section 40 prohibits employment of children in underground or open cast mine.


Section 45 prohibits persons below eighteen years of age to be present in any part of a mine above ground, where any operation connected with or incidental to any mining operation is being carried out.


The Act provides for appointment of a Chief Inspector and Inspectors so as to ascertain that the rules and bye-laws, regulations, provisions and orders made under the Act are observed.


Following are links for details on the chapters in the Act:


  • Chapter I: Preliminary
  • Chapter 2: Inspectors and Certifying Surgeons
  • Chapter 3: Committees
  • Chapter 4: Mining Operations and Management of Mines
  • Chapter 5: Provision as to Health and Safety
  • Chapter 6: Hours and Limitation of Employment
  • Chapter 7: Leave With Wages
  • Chapter 8: Regulations, Rules and Bye-Laws
  • Chapter 9: Penalties and Procedures
  • Chapter 10: Miscellaneous



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