Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tabular Information of Jharia Coalfield


Date | March 14, 2016:     


Details of sedimentary formations in Jharia coalfield:


Sl No Description Barakar formations Barren measures Ranigunj measures Talchir measures
1. Area (sq m) 218 178 54 -
2. Location Extends in EW direction in the northern half and forms eastern and SE part of the coalfield Exposed in central & southern part of the coalfield Forms a basin in SW part of the coalfield Outcrop in the NW as a thin strip along northern periphery of the coalfield
3. Number of workable coal seams 40 0 10 -
4. Thickness (m) 1,000-1,200 600-625 700-720 250
5. Percentage of coal /sandstone /shale 20/60/20 0/70/30 10/80/10 -

(Source: Bharat Coking Coal Limited)


Coal reserves in Jharia coalfield in million tonne:


Sl No Quality Proved Indicated Total
1. Coking 6,929 3,298 10,227
2. Non-coking 4,479 2,371 6,850
3. Total 11,408 5,669 17,077

(Source: Bharat Coking Coal Limited)


Land use pattern in Jharia coalfield (Area as percentage):


Sl No Land use 1925 1974 1987 1993
1. Villages, settlements, townships, etc. 8.6 16.0 32.3 33.10
2. Land in mining use including open pits 4.7 17.4 12.5 19.42
3. Water bodies 7.3 6.7 3.1 2.90
4. Forests (plantation) 4.9 0.7 0.7 2.45
5. Agriculture & natural vegetation 65.4 56.8 49.4 39.02
6. Fallow land and pasture 9.1 2.4 2.0 3.11

(Source: Center of Mining Environment, ISM, Dhanbad)


Distribution of land use and coal leasehold pattern in JCF:


Sl No Condition Area(sq km) Area %
1. BCCL leasehold - -
  Opencast & underground blocks - -
  Subsided land 35.0 7.7
  Under fire 18.0 4.0
  Coal refuse/overburden dumps 6.5 1.4
  Abandoned opencast pits 4.5 1.0
  Others (Agri/Res/Indust) 194.0 43.1
  Sub-total 258.0 57.3
2. TISCO 22.0 4.9
3. IISCO 10.0 2.2
4. Other industrial 51.0 11.3
5. Agriculture 49.5 11.0
6. Forest 5.5 1.2
7. Settlements 54.0 12.8
  Sub-total 192.0 42.7
  Total 450.8 100.0

(Source: Bharat Coking Coal Limited)