Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Standard Procedure for Grant of Equipment Approval by DGMS

Directorate General of Mines Safety

Dhanbad - India



The objective is documentation of the standard procedure to be followed for grant of approval under relevant statute to equipment, appliances, machinery and other materials used in mines. The document is divided in several sections each dealing with a particular area of the approval procedure. It is believed that this document will help in clearing many doubts which may arise in course of the approval process and help all concerned in understanding the system in a more comprehensive manner


It is universally understood that quality inputs result in quality output. This is true in all sphere of activity and is equally relevant in a hazardous occupation like mining where time and again experience has established the need for competent manpower, constant vigilance, sustained use of safe methods and quality materials and equipment which would go a long way in achieving better safety and health conditions of workers engaged in the mines. Use of faulty machinery, equipment, tools and materials had in the past resulted in accidents, disasters and dangerous situations. This had led to framing of mine safety legislation requiring approval of certain equipment and material to be used in mines. However, grant of approval has been restricted to cover specific equipment and material only.


    The objective of granting approval to various equipment for use in mines is to primarily fulfill the statutory obligations enshrined under different provisions of Coal Mines Regulations, 1957; Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961; Oil Mines Regulations, 1984; Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 & Mines Rescue Rules, 1985; besides statutory notifications issued under these regulations by the competent authority from time to time.

    Mining is a hazardous occupation and therefore the equipment, machinery, tools and materials used in mines need to be safe, robust and reliable capable of working safely under hostile environment. The equipment need to remain safe under prolonged usage maybe even in adverse conditions. In view of this, within the process of approval the actual performance in mines and pitworthiness of the products are also assessed, in addition to examining conformity to relevant standards.


All equipment, machinery, appliances and other materials requiring approval has been broadly categorized into,


      (a) Environmental monitoring instruments and devices,
      (b) Personal Protective Equipment,
      (c) Rescue apparatus,
      (d) Electrical equipment and cables,
      (e) Machineries and other equipment for carrying out mining operations,
      (f) Explosives & accessories,
      (g) Safety materials for use in underground mines,
      (h) Other specific equipment and materials.

A list of equipment and materials requiring approval under the provisions of various statute, standards followed and BIS licensing requirement is given at Appendix-I. The list also includes the equipment requiring approval through notification in official gazette issued under enabling provisions by DGMS from time to time. The said notifications are given at Appendix-IA.


The general procedure for dealing with cases of approval is given in the following paras, in most of the cases this procedure is followed. However, there may be cases, which may deviate slightly from the laid down procedure under special circumstances or due to unique nature of the equipment or material.


  1. Application need to be made in a proper format specified by DGMS, the original application must be made by the owner, proprietor, partner of the company seeking approval or a Director in the Board of Directors of the company in case of private or partnership company and small public company. In case of large public company and PSUs the application should be made by a person not less than General Manager or equivalent in rank authorized by the owner or the Director of the company. In case of imported equipment the Chief Executive or an official not below the rank of General Manager or equivalent authorized by the Chief Executive of the OEM should be the original applicant.
  2. Equipment need to conform to relevant Indian Standards. In case there is no Indian Standards, relevant Standards of the country of origin(ISO/En/Din, etc.) may be accepted by DGMS on its merit.
  3. Two copies of test certificates, from an approved laboratory one original, the other certified copy thereof have to be submitted along with the application, two copies of the drawings certified by the Laboratory need to be submitted also.
  4. If overseas manufacturers conduct business in India through an Indian agent, the details of such agents need to be furnished at the time of making applications for approval.

The above documents are scrutinised and if found in order, Field Trial approval is granted with a validity ranging from three months to one year depending on the equipment. In case of explosives field trial approval is granted for a specified number of shots, and in case of Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid, field trial is given for specified hours. After the equipment has been successfully field tried, performance reports from the user/ concerned DGMS officers are required to be submitted. If the above reports are satisfactory, approval is granted for a specified period which differ for different equipment.

5.1 Application format

Interested manufacturers are required to submit applications in a prescribed format which is available from DGMS head office at Dhanbad. A sample application format is given at Appendix-II.

In case there is any change in respect of the information furnished in the application, the applicant shall forthwith send information in the same format duly revised but in no case later than one month from the date of such change.

5.2 Testing

Testing is mainly divided into two parts, type tests and routine tests. Type tests carried out on a prototype to ensure its conformity to the relevant standards. DGMS approval is accorded on the basis of type test, and routine tests are to be carried out by manufacturers at their work-site for quality assurance.

Prototype of any equipment, material or appliance where Indian Standards exist, need to be tested as per the relevant standard in an approved test house in India. DGMS (Tech) Circular No. 5 of 1994 dated 18.05.94 provides guidelines in respect of such test houses. A copy of the circular mentioned above is given at Appendix-III.

In case of equipment, material and appliance for which no Indian Standards exist, relevant standards like ISO/ BS/ En/ Din, etc. may be accepted at the discretion of DGMS. In certain cases a testing memorandum may have to be formulated in consultation with DGMS.

The testing of the relevant equipment, appliance or material need to be done in accordance to the relevant standard/ testing memorandum or tests required by DGMS. If facilities for all the required tests are not available in one test house the required tests can be conducted at more than one approved test house. Two copies of test certificates, one original and one certified copy thereof have to be submitted along with the application.

In case of imported equipment, they need to be tested in accordance to relevant Indian Standards, if available. In case, no such Indian Standards are available, relevant standards like ISO/ BS/En/ Din may be accepted by DGMS on its merit.

In such cases test certificates from countries of origin of the equipment may be accepted on merit at the discretion of the approving authority.

5.3 Preliminary examination of the application


In the first stage the examination of a particular case involves the following,

  1. Whether the format has been correctly filled,
  2. Whether the company really exists based on the documentary evidence submitted,
  3. Whether all information required has been submitted,
  4. Whether all enclosures duly authenticated have been submitted,
  5. BIS certification and validity, if applicable,
  6. Examination of drawings submitted,
  7. Scrutiny of test reports,
  8. Detailed examination in respect of capability of the manufacturer to provide equipment at a later date with sustained quality assurance. This includes examination of quality control capabilities of the manufacturer, relevant licenses, testing facilities, storage facilities, marketing and after sales service capabilities including dealing with complaints, etc. from the information submitted by the manufacturer.

The test reports are examined with reference to relevant Indian Standards wherever applicable. Studies are made in respect of drawings and the test reports and these are analysed to determine whether the equipment, material or appliance has met the criteria mentioned in the prescribed standard and passed the performance and safety tests successfully. In case no IS is available, examination is made in light of other available standards like ISO/BS/En/Din etc., testing memorandums or other accepted test standards (e.g. ICIS 001/1991 for powered supports, TM 12 of British Coal for underground locomotives, BCS 730 for Steel cord belting, etc.); performance test reports evaluated by the test house with reference to any standard literature available on the subject is also considered if found necessary.

There are certain listed items which require BIS certification (see Appendix-I). In such cases if an application is received without BIS certification, the application may be entertained and field trials permitted. However, approval is accorded only after submitting valid BIS certification or a condition is incorporated in the approval that BIS license shall be obtained before manufacturing and marketing of the product.

Inspection of the manufacturing facilities of the applicant may be made to assess capability of the manufacturer in respect of quality control, testing and other facilities. A format for reporting such an inspection is given at Appendix-IV.

5.4 Field Trial approval

The concerned dealing officer (s) prepare(s) a report/ note based on the preliminary examination of the application, test reports, results of factory visits, conformity to applicable standards and any other relevant information and recommends the case to the Director General for grant of approval to conduct field trials. On approval, letters permitting field trial are issued to the manufacturer with copies to the users. The period of field trials vary between 3 months to one year depending on the type of equipment, material or appliance. The periods for conducting actual field trials for different equipment and materials is given in terms of time and quantity in Appendix-V.

It is necessary to ensure that trials are conducted in mines suitable for the purpose and will offer adequate scope for monitoring of the performance by DGMS. For optimum results it may be necessary to conduct field trial at more than one mine, as may be decided by DGMS. In case of rescue apparatus, field trial is conducted at one or more of the rescue stations before grant of approval.

For an application complete in all respects, the time period between receipt of application in DGMS and grant of field trial approval should not normally exceed ninety (90) days.

5.4.1 Monitoring the field trials

Copies of the field trial approval letters are endorsed to concerned Dy.Director General, in charge of a zonal office of DGMS. The concerned Director of Mines Safety in charge of the regional office under which the mine where field trials are conducted falls and Director of Mines Safety (Electrical), where applicable, has to be kept informed about the trials by the manufacturers.

During field trials, the performance of the equipment, material, etc. under trial is monitored by DGMS. In some cases the trials are witnessed by the officers of DGMS. In some cases, if practicable, the equipment is tested at the S&T division of DGMS head office.

5.4.2 Reporting of results of field trial


Field trial reporting formats for different types of equipment, material, appliances, etc. are given in Appendix-VI.

  1. Grant of approval

After successful completion of field trial and receipt of satisfactory field trial reports, the case is examined and recommendations made for grant of regular approval. In case any shortcomings are observed during field trials, the same is communicated both during the trials as well as at the end of the trials to the manufacturer along with a copy to the user. The manufacturer may seek extension of the field trial which may be granted based on the merit of the case. There are cases when field trial report submitted by the user points out some deficiencies, such reports are forwarded to the manufacturers for comments or for taking corrective measures.

The Director General of Mines Safety grants the approval with suitable conditions on receiving recommendations from the concerned dealing departments.

6.1 DGMS approval mark/ No.

On grant of approval all manufacturers are given an unique number (like DGMS SA-9/89) for the particular equipment, etc. The manufacturers are required to display the mark prominently on every product.

6.2 Validity of approval

All approvals are valid for a particular period ranging from one (1) to five (5) years. Appendix-V gives periods of validity of approval for different equipment, material and appliances.

6.3 Renewal of approval

In the past, approval granted were either renewable type or type with permanent approval status. In some cases approvals were given permanent status after few renewals. However, there could be cases where manufacturing of the particular product had been stopped, the standards have undergone complete change or the conditions of usage have changed. This could create serious consequences jeopardizing safety. As such this necessitates a review of the approvals at regular intervals. Hence, it is necessary that the approvals have a period of validity and even those products which had received permanent approval in the past need to be converted into approvals on renewable basis.

6.4 Renewal process

In some cases initial approval is granted for a period of one year after completion of field trials. Application for renewal of such approvals shall be made by the manufacturer at least sixty days prior to the expiry of the approval. The application must be accompanied by satisfactory performance reports from the users.

In case of other renewals the manufacturer must apply six months before the expiry of the approval, accompanied by sample performance reports from the users and valid BIS license where applicable.

The criteria for grant of renewal would be, (i) satisfactory performance reports from users, (ii) no complaints about the product from the users or others, (iii) valid BIS license where applicable.

6.5 Revision of standards

From time to time, Indian and other Standards are subject to revisions incorporating various changes including testing and quality control systems. An equipment, material or appliance which had been granted approval based on such standards need to be amended incorporating the changes. Manufacturers need to make immediate application for amendment of the approval, failing which the approval shall be treated as revoked.





    CMR, 1957 MMR, 1961 OMR, 1984 MINE RESCUE RULES, 1985      
1. Flame Safety Lamp 2(2) 2(2) 11(5)   IS:7577-1986    
2. Cap Lamp
  1. Flexible cable for miners' cap lamps
  2. Miners' cap lamp assemblies (incorporating Pb-acid batteries)
  3. Miners' cap lamp batteries (Pb-acid type)
2(2) 2(2)     IS:2593-1984



3. Permitted Explosives
  1. Permitted explosives
  2. Detonators
  3. Detonating fuses
2(23) 2(23)     IS:6609 (part-2/ Sec.2)-1974

IS:6609(part 3) - 1974

IS: 6609 (part 4)-1984

  Recommendations of the workshop on testing of permitted explosives held at DGMS(HQ) on Feb. 1993 being followed
4. Tub Couplings 89(1)(c) 97(1)(c)         General design approval vide DGMS circulars No. 4 of 1985 & No. 1 of 1986
5. CO detector 113(3)(c)












    Tubes - IS: 13293- 1992

CO detectors - 

6. Dust sampler 123(3)(b) 124(2)(b)     NCB MRE 113A design as prototype    
7. Stone dust barrier 123(c)(2) -         General design approval vide DGMS Circular No. 6 (Legis) of 1975
8. Methanometers 145(1)(a) -     Portable (electrical type) IS: 9937-1981    
9. Glass of Flame Safety Lamp 157(4) 151(4)     IS:5676-1986    
10. Cap Lamp Bulbs 157(4) 151(4)     For 4V, 0.8A- IS: 2596-1980

4V, 1.0 A - BIS under formulation

  BS followed
11. Oil for Flame Safety Lamp 157(5) -     IS: 7577-1986    
12. Mechanically propelled vehicle for transport of explosives 164(A)(2)(a) -         DGMS Circ. No. 36 of 1972 followed as guideline
13. Exploders 174 165(3)     IS: 9836-1981

Circuit tester: IS:9836-1981 Appendix I

14. Protective Footwear
  1. Safety rubber canvas boots
  2. Protective boots for oilfield workmen
  3. Leather safety footwear having direct moulded soles
  4. Miners' safety boots with leather soles
  5. Rubber knee boots
  6. Leather safety shoes for women workers in mines and steel plants
191 182 87   IS: 3976-1995

IS:9885(Part I) -1981

IS: 11226-1993

IS:1989(part I) - 1986


IS: 11225-1985

15. Helmet 191-A 182A 88   IS: 2925-1984 Required  
16. Fire-resistant brattices including plastic sheeting and ventilation ducting.
  1. Fire resistant brattice cloth
  2. Fire resistant brattice sheeting made from unsupported plastics
  3. Ventilation ducting- vinyl coated semi rigid
  4. PVC ventilation tubing (flexible ducting)

IS: 4355-1977

IS: 11884-1986

IS: 12814-1989

IS: 3768-1996

17. Safety Belt 181(3)   27 & 93   IS-3521-1983 Required No separate approval required since 1993, if conforms to relevant IS and covered under BIS licensing scheme
18. Friction Props And Prop Setting Devices 181(3)       IS-7586:1975    
19. Hydraulic Roof Support 181(3)       IS-8421:1977    
20. Link Bars 181(3)       IS-9171:1979    
21. Powered Supports 181(3)       ICIS-001:1991    
22. Man Riding Haulage System 181(3)       IS-9494:1980   DGMS guideline Mech(HQ)/R-H-M-R/670-D/ 12331-60 dt.01.09.82
23. Detaching Hook 181(3)       IS-7587: 1993 & IS-9011:1978   Upto 10 Te SWL, higher capacity under prep.
24. Cage Suspension Gear Including Bridle Chains 181(3)      
25. Winding Rope 181(3)       IS-1856:1977; IS-3626:1978 Required  
26. Balance Rope 181(3)       IS-5203:1969 Required  
27. Haulage rope for manriding 181(3)       IS-1856:1977; IS-3626:1978 Required  
28. Underground conveyor belting 181(3)       IS-3181:1992 for PVC belting; BCS-730 for Steel cord belting   IS for Steel cord belting under preparation
29. Underground locomotive 181(3)       Reg 95(1) & TM 12 of British Coal, BIS - 9999:1981    
30. Internal Combustion Engine 181(3)       Reg. 181(1) & Appendix of Reg. 95(1) of CMR '57    
31. Flame Proof and Intrinsically safe Equipment 181(3)       IS-2148:1981


32. Automatic Contrivance 181(3)       Reg. 76(7) of CMR '57    
33. Power Brake 181(3)       Reg. 74(2) of CMR '57    
34. Automatic Speed Chart Recorder 181(3)       Reg. 76(6) of CMR '57    
35. Emergency Steam Valve 181(3)       Reg. 74 (3) of CMR '57    
36. Water ampoules/ Gel ampoules for stemming high explosives

(a) Self sealing PVC water ampoules for use in shot holes

181(3)       NCB 414/ 1964    
37. High pressure hydraulic hose with its end fittings 181(3)       BCS-174:1992; BCS 638   IS under formulation
38. Dust respirators 181(3)       IS: 9473-1980    
39. Hydraulic fluid used in underground machinery         IS 10532:1983; IS 7895:1975    
40. Cables used in high, medium and low voltage electrical systems & also flexible cables/ control cables used for electrical systems of all voltages. 181(3)       IS-1554(Part-I& II)

IS-9968 (Part-I & II), IS-1026; IS-691, 7098 (Part-I & II)

Required NCB - 188 accepted
41. Breathing apparatus       11(5) IS-10245 (Part-I & II)(1st rev.)    
42. Smoke helmets & apparatus serving same purpose       11(5) IS-10245 (Part-III): 1982    
43. Reviving apparatus       11(5) IS-13366:1992    
44. Self Rescuers 191 D     11(5) IS-9563: 1980 Required  For FSR, for chemical O2 type EN-401 followed
45. Electrical lighting apparatus 181(3)   75(2)   IS-2148, IS-2206 (Part-I) Required  
46. Electrical equipment for use in hazardous area (Zone 1 & 2)     75(2)   IS-2148, 5780,13408, 13346, 13947 Required  
47. Gas detectors       11(5) IS-5780:1980   -do-
48. Portable hand lamps for use in storage tanks     55(6)(c)(ii)        API Standards followed
49. Life Line     27 & 93       -do-
50. Petroleum storage tanks     55       API 620, 650
51. Pipe lines and fittings (Specification approval if not as per ISS)     62       API-5L;ANSI- B31.4, B 31.8


DGMS (Legis) CIRCULAR No. 1 OF 1993

Vide GSR 31 and 279, published in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3(I), Dated 18th January, 1992 and 6th June, 1992 respectively, The Director General of Mines Safety, in suppression of all notifications on the subject has specified that the following appliances/ equipment/ machinery are required to be approved under Regulation 181(3) of Coal Mines regulations, 1957.

  1. Fire resistant brattices including plastic sheeting and semi rigid or flexible fire resistant ventilation ducting,
  2. Friction props and prop setting devices
  3. Hydraulic roof supports
  4. Link bars
  5. Water ampoules and gel ampoules
  6. Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid
  7. Man-riding haulage system
  8. Detaching hook
  9. Cage suspension gear including bridle chain
  10. Winding rope
  11. Balancing rope
  12. Automatic contrivance
  13. Power brake
  14. Automatic speed chart recorder
  15. Haulage rope for man riding
  16. Conveyor belting
  17. Locomotive
  18. Internal combustion engine
  19. Flame proof and intrinsically safe electrical equipment and apparatus
  20. Cables used for high voltage or medium voltage electrical system and flexible cables used for electrical system operating at voltage in excess of 100 volts.

Item Self-rescuer has been deleted from the list, as specific provision exist under Regulation 191 D of the Coal Mines regulations, 1957.

Safety belts should conform to IS-3521:1983, and be covered under valid BIS license to use IS certification mark. Such safety belts shall be treated at par with the safety belts accorded approval by DGMS in past.


Director General of Mines Safety

Gazette Notification No. GSR 169 dated March 22, 1997; Part II-Sec 3-Sub Section (I)


GSR 169 - In exercise of the powers conferred on me under sub-regulation (3) of regulation 181 of the Coal Mine Regulations, 1957, I, V Mahajan, Chief Inspector of Mines re-designated as the Director General of Mines Safety declare 1st July, 1997 as the date from which the following items will not be used in underground coal mines unless the same are of such type, standard and make as approved by me by a general or special order in writing:-

  1. High pressure hydraulic hoses with end fittings,
  2. Dust respirator

2. Reference to GSR 31, published in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3(I), dated 18th January, 1992. In the said notification:

  1. Item No. 6 shall be read as follows:-



    'Hydraulic fluid used in underground machinery'

  3. Item No. 20 shall be read as follows:-


'Cables used for high, medium and low voltage electrical system and also flexible cables/ control cables used for electrical system of all voltages'.



DGMS (Tech) Circular No.4 of 1985

The Coupling Design

A number of accidents occur every year due to defective couplings between tubs. Investigation into the causes of such failures of couplings have revealed that the defects were due to one or more of the following factors:


a) Their designs had inherent weakness which could causes breakage of couplings or an accidental disconnection.

b) The manufacture was defective

c) The material was of sub-standard quality

d) It was not maintained in its designed shape and same was either considerably worn or damaged during use.

1.1 A committee comprising of some senior engineers from the industry and representatives of this Directorate examined the issue and some of the recommendations of the aforesaid committee are as follows:-

1.2 The design of the couplings, for attachment between any two tubs in a set of train of tubs hither to approved under Regulation 89(i)(c) of CMR 1957 or Regulation 97(i)(c) of MMR 1961 by General Circulars issued earlier from this Directorate is hereby superseded by the design shown in Annexure-I to this circular. Couplings in use in the industry not conforming to the designs shown in the Annexure referred and not specially approved separately shall be withdrawn forthwith from the date of issue of this circular.

Thus, this issue supersedes the previous circulars Nos. 39 of 1969 and its corrigenda Nos.56 of 1970, 29 & 29A of 1973 and 6 of 1975. 1.3 Hereinafter this Directorate will only approve the design and specifications of couplings and not the manufacture. It will be the responsibility of the user to ensure that each coupling put in use fully conforms to the prescribed specifications. To ensure the quality, the product should be covered under ISI Certificate as and when the I.S for couplings for tubs is formed.

2.0 Material:- The material shall be of certified quality and shall be confirmed by independent analysis and tests. Only following material shall be used:-

(a) Steel class 3 or class 3A or Class 4 to ISS-1875-1971 or its equivalent. or

(b) 1.5% Mn. steel conforming to BSS 2772 Part II of 1956 or equivalent. To achieve better mechanical properties it should be normalised and tempered. or

(c) Any other steel not inferior to those at (b) and permitted in writing by the D.G.M.S

2.1 Chemical Composition


Class C% Mn% Si% S(Max)% P%(max)


3 0.25-0.35 0.6-0.9 0.15-0.35 0.05 0.05

3A 0.30-0.40 0.6-0.9 0.15-0.35 0.05 0.05

4 0.40-0.50 0.6-0.9 0.15-0.35 0.05 0.05


Physical Properties


Class Tensile strength Yield strength

Kg/mm 2 Kg/mm 2


3 50-60 25

3A 52-62 26

4 63-71 31.5

3.0 Manufacture: Coupling shall be manufactured by forging in a workshop having adequate forging and machining facilities. Forge welding of steel is not desirable. Electric welding shall be done where necessary and where are welding is done slag shall be carefully cleaned at each stage. Holes shall be drilled and not punched. Jointing shall be done by electric welding not smithy welding..

4.0 Heat-treatment: Every coupling after all forging and welding operations shall be normalised in a recognised establishment and certificate for heat-treatment shall be obtained. For steels mentioned at 2.1 the normalising temperature is given below:

Class Temperature

3 860 Deg.C - 890 Deg.C

3A 860 Deg.C - 890 Deg.C

4 830 Deg.C - 850 Deg.C

5.0 Marking : Every coupling shall be stamped over non-wearable portion with a reference number identifying the manufacturer and the year of manufacture.

6.0 Testing:

(a)Atleast 10% of coupling shall be proof load tested to not less than 3 times the maximum drawbar pull likely to be imposed when in use i.e. the S.W.L for which the coupling is designed and shall be tested for cracks etc. by magnetic particle inspection. In case any crack is detected either visually or by magnetic particle inspection and any coupling failing in proof load test, another lot of equal number shall be tested and in case any coupling failing in the subsequent test such coupling of lot will be tested.

(b)Atleast one coupling from each batch shall be tested upto its yield strength which shall be not less than four times the S.W.L for which the coupling is designed.

(c)A certificate of test stating the identification number of the coupling shall be obtained.

(d)Any coupling not passing above test shall not be used.

7.0 Record: A record of coupling in use stating the reference number, date of manufacture and date of use shall be maintained. If couplings are procured from more than one manufacturer, the name, address and other relevant informations in respect of each shall be recorded in a bound paged book.

8.0 Inspection: Fortnightly inspections as prescribed in the regulations shall be conscientiously made and a report of such examination shall be kept. Any coupling involved in derailment or accident shall be specially inspected at the earliest opportunity and if suspected to have been damaged it shall not be used unless certified by a competent person superior in rank to one taking the inspection and report of such inspection be kept.

9.0 Repair and Rejection:

(I) Wear and tear of component shall not be built through welding

(ii)The component shall be replaced when the maximum were over a portion is about 15% of original cross sectional area of the portion.

DGMS (Tech) Circular No. 1 of 1986


Design - Tub Couplings 5 Tonnes Draw-Bar Pull

You are aware that under Reg. 89(i) (c) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957/Reg. 97 (I) (c) of the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 the attachment between any two tubs in a set or train of tubs is required to be of a type approved by the Chief Inspector.


1.2 In compliance with the above provision certain designs of tub couplings were approved by this directorate in the past. Enquiries into fatal/serious accidents connected with haulage system over the last few years have brought to light the inadequacy of strength of tub couplings being used as present. These enquiries have also revealed that some failures of couplings occurred owing to use of material that was not of the required quality, adoption of defective manufacturing process, non-maintenance of designed shape, etc.

1.3 The above feed-back has prompted this Directorate to review the whole matter. As a result of this exercise it has been decided that 5 tonne tub-couplings should be manufactured as per designs (SL.Nos.1,2,3 & 4) indicated in the enclosed dimensioned drawing.

1.4 The following guide-lines regarding material to be used; manufacture and workmanship, heat-treatment, marking, test and examination etc. are also detailed. These may be fully complied with.

2.0 Material :

The material shall be any one of the following,

(a) 11 Mn 2 conforming to IS-4432-1967,

(b) 20 Mn 2 conforming to IS-1570-1961,

(c) 20 Ni 55 Cr 50MO 20 to IS-4432-1867,

(d) Any other steel not inferior to those stated above & approved in writing by the Director-General of Mines Safety.

Only tested and certified material shall be used and some random samples shall be periodically tested to ensure proper quality of material. 3.0 Manufacture & Workmanship

3.1 Coupling shall be manufactured by forging in a workshop having adequate forging, machining, heat treatment and preferably testing facilities for the product. Forge welding of steel is not desirable. Electrical welding shall be done where necessary and where are welding is done, slag shall be carefully cleaned at each stage. Holes shall be drilled and not punched. Jointing shall be done by electrical welding and not by smithy welding.

3.2 Every part of coupling shall give evidence of good workmanship and good finish, shall be free from any defect and made within standard limits of tolerance in the dimensions and finishing etc.

3.3 While the manufacture shall be fully responsible for the quality of the coupling and its conformity with the prescribed specifications, the user on the other hand shall be fully responsible to ensure correct quality, type, size and strength of the couplings before it is used. The user shall also ensure that each coupling fully conforms to the prescribed specifications and proper care is taken in its use.

4.0 Heat- treatment

Every coupling after all forging and welding operations shall be given proper heat-treatment in a recognised establishment at the following temperature and certificate of heat-treatment shall be obtained.


Sl. No.
Designation of steel

o C


o C


o C


o C

11 Mn2
870 - 910
870 - 910
550 - 660
Water or Oil
20 Mn2
860 - 900
860 - 900
550 - 660
Water or Oil 
20 Ni 55 Cr 50 MO 2
820 - 850


* Suitable temperature may be adopted so as to attain the optimum properties.

5.0 Marking

5.1 Each coupling shall be legibly marked on non-vital part with the following;

(a) Manufacture’s identification mark (Year of Manufacture).

(b) Safe working load.

(c) Type of heat treatment given.

(d) Identification mark bearing with manufacturers certificate of test and examination.

5.2 The stamp used for marking shall be of 5 mm size. Care shall be taken that the identification is neither too sharp nor excessive in depth.

6.0 Test & Examination

6.1 At least 10% of couplings shall be proof load tested to not less than 3 (three) times the maximum draw-bar pull likely to be imposed when in use i.e. S.W.L. for which the coupling is designed, shall be tested for cracks etc. by magnetic particle inspection. In case any crack is detected either visually or by magnetic particle inspection and coupling failing in proof load test, another lot of equal number shall be tested and in case any coupling falling in the subsequent test, each coupling from the lot shall be tested.

6.2 The supplier shall provide a certificate of test and examination in the form given at Appendix-I, with every consignment of the couplings.

6.3 Any coupling not passing the above test shall be used.

7.0 Record

A record of couplings in use stating the reference number, date of manufacture and date of use shall be maintained. If couplings are procured from more than one source, the name, address and other relevant information, in respect of each, shall be recorded in a bound paged book. 8.0 InspectionFortnightly inspection, as prescribed in the Code of Regulations shall be made and report of each examination shall be kept. Any coupling involved in derailment or accident shall be specially inspected at the earliest opportunity and if suspected to have been damaged, it shall not be used unless certified by a competent person superior in rank to the one making the inspection and report of such inspection shall be kept. 9.0 Repair and RejectionWear and tear of any component shall not be built up through welding. The components shall be discarded when the maximum loss of cross section due to wear over a cross section exceeds 15% of the original cross section area of the portion. 10.0 General requirement

10.1 Each component of coupling shall have static factor of safety of not less than 7 (Seven) in relation to the maximum static load attached to haulage rope.

10.2 Forged components shall avoid sudden change in cross-section/thickness/or shape.

10.3 Forging shall be such that the fibres of materials are not transferred to the line of pull.

11.0 Particulars to be supplied at the time of inquiry or order:

The following particulars shall be supplied at the time of order:- i) Type of couplings;

ii) Specification of material;

iii)Heat-treatment desired;

iv) Further test of chemical analysis, if required.


Coupling shown in drawings at Sl. Nos. 1, 3 & 4 are not recommended for use where sharp curves are to be negotiated.


DGMS Circular No.6 (Legis) of 19 75

Provision of Stone Dust Barriers

Type and manner of construction and maintenance of stone dust barriers under sub-regulation 2 if Regulation 123 C of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 in gassy seams of Second and third Degree.

In pursuance of sub-regulation(2) of Regulation 123C of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 the type of stone dust barriers to be provided and the manner in which such barrier shall be maintained in every gassy seams of Second or Third degree have been specified vide Government Notification No.GSR 472 dated 6.11.1974 published in the Gazette of India dated 12.4.1975 part-II, Section 3(1).

The said notification is reproduced hereunder for your guidance and strict compliance/maintenance.


(Directorate-General of Mines Safety)


Dhanbad,the 6th Nov'74.

G.S.R.472 - In pursuance of sub-regulation(2) of Regulation 123C of the Coal Mines Regulation, 1957, the Chief Inspector of Mines hereby specifies that the type of the stone dust barriers to be provided and the manner in which such barrier shall be maintained in every gassy seam of the second or third degree shall be as specified in the Schedule annexed to this Order.


1. General

1.1 Stone dust barriers shall be placed in the full path of the explosion and the shelves shall be so arranged that their collapse in the event of an explosion is not impeded.

1.2 Barriers shall be sited as low as convenient within the upper third of the roadway; and no part of any shall and no stonedust on it shall be less than 10 cms from the roof or sides of the roadway or any roadway support. In additions, the shelves shall be constructed and installed that, in the event of an explosion, they fly without obstruction along the roadway.

2. Design of Barriers.

2.1 The stone dust shall rest on boards which run longitudinally in the roadway and whose length equals the width of the shelves. These boards shall rest on a rigid frame, the two members of which shall be atleast 15 cms. in depth and rest on their edges on two fixed rigid brackets.

2.2 Neither the boards nor the frame shall be fastened either to each other or to fixed brackets.

2.3 Primary or first or light barriers which are intended to be installed nearest to be a possible point of ignition, when installed, shall consist of lightly loaded shelves (see below) not more than 35 cms. in width.

2.4 The distance between two shelves of a light barrier shall be not less than 0.9 m. and not more than 2.0 m.

2.5 The shelves of a light barrier shall be loaded with not more than 30 kg. of dust per metre of shelf length and the total quantity of stone dust in the barrier shall be less than 110 kg. of stone dust per sq. metre cross-section.

2.6 Secondary of heavy type of barriers (see below) intended for use further outbye shall consist of one third of its shelves loaded and spaced (see below) a in case of primary barriers.

2.7 The loading for a heavy barrier shall be 390 kg. per sq. metre of the cross section. The shelves shall not exceed 50 cms. in width and their loading shall not exceed 60 kg. per metre of shelf length.

2.8 The distance between heavily loaded shelves or between a heavily loaded shelf and a light loaded shelf shall not be less than 125 cms.(125 cms.) and not more than 2.70 cms.

2.9 The lightly loaded shelves shall be adjacent to each other and placed at the inbye end of the barrier.

2.10 Where circumstances require intermediate barriers, such barriers shall be loaded with 195 kg. of dust per square metre of roadway, half the dust being placed on lightly loaded shelves and half on heavily loaded shelves. the lightly loaded shelves being arranged at the inbye end, as in the case of heavy barriers.

2.11 When calculating the quantity of stone dust in a barrier, cross sectional area shall mean the average cross sectional area determined by an offset survey of the roadway where the barrier is installed. The amount of stone dust in the lightly loaded shelves in a heavy barrier shall be calculated proportionately on the basis of average length of the shelf as determined from the offset survey plan.

2.12 For maximum dispersability the dust shall be piled loose on the shelves. The dust shall also be of a type that will not take in use; in damp or wet condition water-proofed stone dust shall be used.

2.13 When a roadway has to be enlarged to provide sufficient height to accommodate a barrier, the ripping shall extent over a distance on each side of the barrier equal to at least 20 times the difference between the height of the top of the stone dust on the barrier and the height of the unripped roadway.

2.14 When sitting a barrier, the distance as specified shall be measured from the shelf nearest to the face.

3. Bord and Pillar Workings

3.1 The workings in the mine shall be divided into sections so that an explosion occurring in one section may not spread to another.

The barriers may be sited in relation to group of adjacent headings.

3.2 In bord and pillar workings, only a heavy type barrier may be provided at a suitable site in relation to the groups of headings in a district intended to be served by the barrier. Such a barrier shall be provided at a distance of not less than 135 meters from the nearest workings face and not more than 365 metres from the farthest face.

3.3 Heavy barriers shall be provided in all the entries to the district. When in any entry a stoping is to be provided instead of a dust barrier, such stoping shall be explosion proof. If any dispute arises whether a stoping is explosion proof, it shall be referred to the Chief Inspector for decision so, however, that such stoping shall be of strong construction with brick in cement and not less than 1.8 metres in thickness and located at a position corresponding the inbye end of the barriers. The gallery outbye of such stopings shall be kept clean of coal dust heavily stone-dusted and adequately ventilated.

3.4 The barrier including the explosion proof stopings, if any, shall be provided at fresh site as the faces advance, in order to comply with the conditions mentioned under para 3.2 above.

3.5 The sites of stone dust barriers shall be predetermined at the time of planning the mind and the pillars at such sites shall be adequate size of that the shelves of the barriers are included in about one pillar length. Where the shelves of a stone dust barrier extend through a junction of galleries, either the cross galleries shall be blocked off by stopings and such galleries kept adequately treated with stone dust and ventilated, or the shelves extended into the cross galleries for a length on either side which is not less than the length of barrier extending over the junction and outbye of it.

3.6 When it is impracticable to site a barrier within the upper limit of 365 metres, the matter may be referred to the Chief Inspector.

3.7 When a new district is being developed a barrier or barriers shall be sited in the adjacent transport road within the distance mentioned under para 3.2 to give protection in relation to the group of newly started headings.

4. Single Heading in Coal.

4.0 When a single heading is driven from an existing main roadway, a barrier of heavy type shall be sited in the main road at a distance specified under para 3.2 measured from the face of headings.

5. Longwall Workings.

5.1 A barrier of light type shall be installed in all longwall gate conveyor roads within the range of 45-110 metres from the nearest point of the face.

5.2 A second barrier of heavy type shall be installed in longwall gate conveyor roads at a distance of 180-320 metres from the face.

5.3 When a conveyor gate is being developed and the road is too short to accommodate barriers, light and a heavy barrier shall be sited on the trunk conveyor road outbye of the transfer point at the respective distance mentioned under para 5.1 and 5.2.

5.4 Where the trunk conveyor road passes inbye of the transfer point to other district, two more such barriers shall be provided in the corresponding positions, inbye of the transfer point.

5.5 For a newly developed face which does not have a separate ventilating split, a pair of barriers shall be sited on the trunk road at the distances specified above.

5.6 Where a number of longwall faces are being developed from a relatively short length of trunk road, protection shall be provided to prevent an explosion occurring at any face spreading to other parts of the mine and also as far as practicable, so as to prevent an explosion from spreading to an adjacent face. Where practicable, this protection shall be provided by a system of light and heavy barriers.

6. Shaft Insets

6.0 Where more than one seams are worked from the same shafts, heavy type of barriers shall be sited in the roads adjacent to the shaft landings in each seam at a distance of 90 m.-150 m. from the landings. These barriers shall, as far as possible, be so arranged that they are in the middle of a straight stretch, at least 180 m. in length.

7. Barriers in thin Seam

7.0 In thin seam where the roof condition does not allow heightening of roadway to accommodate barrier shelves in the manner specified under paragraph 1.1 and 1.2, stone dust barriers may be provided in the following manner.

(a) In the travelling roads and airways other than haulage roads, the stone dust barrier shelves may be provided of shorter length, leaving a clear space of at least 10 cms. on one side, and up to 90 cms. on the other side for passage of men, provided that the length of the shelves shall not be less than 180 cms. suitable type of fencing shall be provided between the travelling passage and the part of the roadway containing barrier shelves.

(b) In the haulage and tramming roads, the stone dust barrier shelves may be provided on either side of the track leaving a clear space of at least 10 cms. from the side of tub and shelf. Provided that length of the shelf shall not be less than 90 cms. and where the roadway cannot be safely widened to accommodate such shelves, the shelves may be located on the side of the track.

(c) The total quantity of stone dust in the stone dust barrier shall be at least 1 1/2 times of that required in normal cases, the rate of loading of shelves remaining the same.

(d) The part of the roadway containing the stone dust barrier shall be kept clean of coal dust and quietly treated with stone dust on roof floor and sides including cogs and other supports.

8. Maintenance

8.1 For proper discharge of his statutory duties, the Ventilation Officer shall ensure proper construction and maintenance of the barriers in the following manner :

(a) He shall examine the stone dust barriers once at least in every week. As a part of this examination dispersability of the dust shall be tested by taking some dust in hand and blowing on it. It this shows that the dust has tended to cake or consolidate the dust in the barrier shall be removed and replaced by fresh dust.

(b) He shall arrange for repair of any damage to the shelves or other parts of the barrier.

(c) He shall supervise the erection of new barriers as required.

(d) He shall write a report on such inspections and on any action taken or required. The report shall be countersigned by the manager. In the book maintained for such reports, there shall also be recorded all data concerning position, quantity of stone dust, cross-section of the road in which the dust barrier is situated, date of inspection and renewal of stone dust and any other relevant particulars.

(e) If at any time, the Ventilation Officer is not in a position to rectify and defect, or damage to a barrier, he shall report the matter to the Manager who shall take immediate action to put the barrier in proper order.

8.2 If any defect in the stone dust barrier is not possible to be removed forthwith, shotfiring shall be stopped in the district or districts concerned, pending remedy of the defect as early as possible.

8.3 The barriers, as required, shall be removed at necessary intervals to ensure that they are maintained constantly within the recommended range of distance from the face.

9. Check Boards

9.1 A board shall be provided near each barrier on which the following information shall be recorded.

(a) Cross-section of the roadway.

(b) Total dust loading of the barrier.

(c) Number and loading of selves.

(d) Date of last removal of stone dust.

(e) Reference number of the barrier.

(f) Date of last inspection by the Ventilation Officer.

(g) Signature of the Ventilation Officer.

9.2 The following particulars in respect of stone dust barrier shall be shown on the rescue and stone dusting plans :

(a) Position type barriers, and date of their construction.


(b) Projection for next position of the barriers and the likely date of the installation.These plans shall be brought up-to-date not less than once in three months and copies of the stone-dusting plan shall be provided to the officials and competent persons responsible for examining and maintaining the barriers.







(To be submitted in duplicate)


Part – I
  1. Name of the Company:



  3. Name of the applicant* with designation:
  4. About the Company:
    1. Full Postal address:



    3. Telephone Nos. :
    4. Fax/ e-mail, etc.:
  1. Name, complete address, tel. no. of



    the Indian agent, if any (for overseas cos. only) :

  3. Authorised signatories for correspondence (not below the rank



    Of General Manager or equivalent) :

  5. Full postal address of the factory:


(with Tel/Fax/e-mail, etc.)
General information :


  1. Date of establishment of business:
  2. Type of the company :



    (Whether Private, Private ltd., Public Ltd.,

    PSU, Partnership, Or Hindu Undivided Family concern)

  4. Names, addresses and tel. nos. of Managing Director, Directors, Partners,



    Proprietor or Karta as the

    Case may be. (attach list if required):

  6. Capital Investment :



    Machinery & Equipment

    (details of machinery to be


  8. Certificate of incorporation issued by


Registrar of firms or societies (enclose

attested copies of certificate):

6. Registration number allotted by the State & Director of Industries

(enclose attested copy of certificate):


Part – II
  1. Name of the equipment, material



    or appliance :

  3. Description of the equipment, material



    or appliance:

  5. Annual production capacity:
  6. Actual production if any :
  7. Unit price of the product:
Part - III

Quality control, Inspection and Testing facilities

  1. List of equipment for
  1. Quality control:
  2. Testing:
  1. Manpower including their qualification




  1. Quality control:
  2. Testing:
  1. Scheme for quality assurance and testing

(enclose copies of document):

Part – IV

  1. Specification of the equipment,



    material or appliance :

  3. Drawings of the equipment,



    material or appliance :

  5. Reference to Indian Standard or any other



    Standard to which the equipment, material

    or appliance conforms:

  7. Test Report of the equipment, material or


appliance from approved laboratories(enclose original or certified copies):


  1. Particulars of raw materials and components



    used in manufacture :

  3. Operating instructions :
  4. Instruction for maintenance:



  6. Enclose attested copy of

BIS license (where applicable) :

Certification Marks Licence No.---------------- date -------------9. One complete sample of the


equipment, material or appliance (wherever required) :

Part - V

Supplementary information

  1. Any other equipment/ product approved



    By DGMS and details of the same:

  3. Whether the product applied for is approved



    by any other Govt. agency? :

  5. Whether the product is being used in any


Other industry, if so, details thereof :
4. List of enclosures:


I/ We hereby certify that all information given in this application and all documents, drawings and reports enclosed with this application are correct. I/ We also undertake to abide by all the conditions of approval in case it is accorded by DGMS. I/we also undertake to intimate DGMS forthwith any change of information furnished with this application.


Seal of firm



For and on behalf of -------------------------------

(name of the firm)


DGMS (Tech) Circular No. 5 of 1994 Dated, the 18 May, 1994.


Owners/ Agents/ Managers of

all Coal & Non-coal Mines.

Sub: Approval of equipment and test reports.

You may be aware that DGMS grants 'TYPE' approval to various types of equipment, appliances and material for use in mines on the basis of 'type test' reports. For this purpose test reports from the following test houses/ institutions are acceptable:

    1. Any National Laboratory under the CSIR or Govt. Test House, Alipore or Bureau of Indian Standards' Laboratory;
    2. Any Laboratory/ test house functioning directly under or under the aegis of a Central Government Ministry/ Department and which has been specifically approved by DGMS; OR
    3. Any Laboratory/ test house of an educational institution or of a public sector undertaking and which has been specifically approved by DGMS.

Needless to say that the test reports should cover all the tests prescribed in the relevant Indian Standard(s) and/or by DGMS. If however, any such laboratory/ test house is not fully equipped to carry out all the required tests, then the tests could be carried out in more than one laboratory/ test house.

It is the responsibility both of manufacturers and users to ensure proper quality of the equipment commercially produced/ procured for use in mines. For this purpose there are certain 'routine' and 'acceptability' tests prescribed by the BIS and/or by DGMS and users. Such 'routine' or 'acceptability' tests may be conducted in any laboratory or test house as agreed to by the manufacturers and users.

However, as a cross check, it is advisable to get some of the routine tests done from National Test House or other test houses as indicated in Paras (1) (2) and (3) above as well.


Director General of Mines Safety







Application Ref. Inspected by …………………….

Product: Date of inspection:

  1. General Information:
  1. Name of the applicant:
  2. Address:
    1. Factory:
    2. Office:
  1. Location of factory (specify landmark):
  2. Telephone Nos./ Fax/ e-mail
    1. Factory:
    2. Office:
  1. Factory Management (enclose organisation chart):
  2. Registration No. of Company:
  3. Accompanied by:
  4. Quality assurance scheme (ISO 9000, etc.):


  1. Comments on quality control of raw materials & traceability:



  3. Manufacture:
  1. Products manufactured:



  3. Technical collaboration:



  5. Brief description of process of manufacturing:



  7. Intermediate points where control is exercised:



  9. Details of records maintained & controls used:



  11. Method (s) of disposal of sub-standard product:



  13. Units of production:
  14. Production capacity ( per day, per shift ):
  15. Details of manufacturing machinery: (attach list)
  16. Technical comments on manufacturing capabilities and in process controls:


  1. Comments on Packing and DGMS marking (where applicable):



  3. Testing facilities
  1. Details of staff with qualification & experience (attach list):
  2. Competency of testing personnel:



  4. Equipment for testing and other facilities (attach list):



  6. Accuracy of instruments and calibration arrangements:



  8. Records maintained in testing laboratory including routine test records:



  10. Sampling and testing procedure:


  1. Details of enclosures:
  2. Accuracy of information given in application:



  4. Comments on suitability of factory for grant of approval:






1. Flame Safety Lamp 90 days for 9 hrs. each day 3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
2. Cap Lamp 180 days for 9 hrs. each day 3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
3. Permitted Explosives   200 shots One (1) year followed by two (2) years  
4. Tub Couplings       General approval vide DGMS circular No. 4 of 1985 & 1 of 1986
5. CO detector 90 days 3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
6. Dust sampler 90 days for 9 hrs. each day 3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
7. Stone dust barrier       General approval vide DGMS circular No. 6 (Legis) of 1975
8. Methanometers 90 days  3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
9. Glass of Flame Safety Lamp 90 days  3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
10. Cap Lamp Bulbs 90 days for 9 hrs. each day 3 nos. in 3 mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
11. Oil for Flame Safety Lamp        
12. Mechanically propelled vehicle for transport of explosives       DGMS Circular No. 36 of 1972 followed as guideline
13. Exploders 180 days 2 nos. in two mines One (1) year followed by three (3) years  
14. Protective Footwear 180 days 3 nos. As per validity of BIS license  
15. Helmet 180 days 3 nos. As per validity of BIS license  
16. Fire-resistant brattices including plastic sheeting and ventilation ducting. 180 days 3 mines One(1) year followed by two(2) years  
17. Safety Belt       No separate approval required if conforms to IS-3521:1983 and covered under BIS licensing scheme
18. Friction Props And Prop Setting Devices One year 50 nos. One year followed by three years  
19. Hydraulic Roof Support One year 50 nos. One year followed by three years  
20. Link Bars One year 50 nos. One year followed by three years  
21. Powered Supports One year  One set Three years/ Five years depending on prevailing conditions  
22. Man Riding Haulage System One year One set Three years  
23. Detaching Hook One year Four sets Three years  
24. Cage Suspension Gear Including Bridle Chains One year Four sets Three years  
25. Winding Rope One year Four lengths Three years  
26. Balance Rope One year Four lengths Three years  
27. Haulage rope for manriding One year Four lengths Three years  
28. Underground conveyor belting One year No restriction Three years  
29. Underground locomotive Three months One set One year followed by three years  
30. Internal Combustion Engine Three months One set One year followed by three years  
31. Flame Proof and Intrinsically safe Equipment Three months One set Three years  
32. Automatic Contrivance Three months One set One year followed by three years  
33. Power Brake Three months One set One year followed by three years  
34. Automatic Speed Chart Recorder Three months One set One year followed by three years  
35. Emergency Steam StopValve Three months One set One year followed by three years  
36. Water ampoules/ Gel ampoules for stemming high explosives   1000 nos. One year followed by two years  
37. High pressure hydraulic hose with its end fittings One year No restriction Three years  
38. Dust respirators Three months, 8 hours each day At least three mines One year followed by two years  
39. Hydraulic fluid used in underground machinery 1000 Hrs. In two machines  One year followed by three years Trials to be carried out in at least 2 mines
40. Cables used in high, medium and low voltage electrical systems & also flexible cables/ control cables used for electrical systems of all voltages. Three months 50 meters to 100 meters depending on situation and equipment with which it is fitted Three years Shot firing cable and cable under NCB 188-1975 specifications are approved for one year only
41. Breathing apparatus   Performance test at two rescue stations One year followed by three years  
42. Smoke helmets & apparatus serving same purpose   Performance test at two rescue stations One year followed by three years  
43. Reviving apparatus   Performance test at two rescue stations One year followed by two years  
44. Self Rescuers   Performance test at two rescue stations One year followed by two years  
45 Electrical lighting apparatus Three months One set Three years  
46. Electrical equipment for use in hazardous area (Zone 1 & 2) Three months One set Three years  
47. Gas detectors 90 days 3 nos. in 3 mines One year followed by two years  
48. Portable hand lamps for use in storage tanks       API Standards followed
49. Life Line       -do-
50. Petroleum storage tanks       API 620, 650
51. Pipe lines and fittings (Specification approval if not as per ISS)       API-5L;ANSI- B31.4, B 31.8

* Note: During the initial approval period if the relevant equipment has not been used, subsequent approval period will be same as that of initial approval.

Performance report for mechanical equipment

  1. Name of the item :
  2. Name of the manufacturer :
  3. Mine/ company where the equipment was in use :
  4. Period of use/whether continuing/discontinued :
  5. Life achieved so far :
  6. General performance so far :

Detailed report for different items (Strikeout which is not applicable)

  1. Rope
  1. Degree of wear,
  2. Corrosion,
  3. Stretch,
  4. Internal lubrication
  5. General workmanship
  6. Diameter etc.
  1. Suspension gears
  1. Wear of pins
  2. Interchangeability with the connecting members
  3. Workmanship
  4. Corrosion
  5. Surface finish
  6. Problem in dismantling and assembling
  7. Dimension
  8. Surface and subsurface flaws
  1. F.R.H.F.
  1. Effect on the torque
  2. Viscosity
  3. Water content
  4. Temperature rise
  5. Consumption pattern
  6. Effect on hose failure
  7. Compatibility with seals & pumps
  8. Effect on the working pressure
  1. High Pressure hose
  1. Outside dia & Bore as per standard,
  2. History of failure,
  3. Quality of end fittings,
  4. Interchangeability
  5. Life obtained
  6. Leakage from the crimped joints etc.
  1. Man Riding haulage/system
  1. Effectiveness of hydraulic brake of the man riding car
  2. Effectiveness of signalling from the car to the engine house,
  3. Effective brake of the haulage engine,
  4. Condition of rope
  5. Rope attachment with the car
  6. Seating capacity & comfort
  7. Distance indicator
  8. General performance.


(6) Automatic contrivance/power brake/speed recording/emergency steam stop valve (Delete which is not applicable)


    1. Functioning during overspeed
    2. Functioning during slow banking
    3. Functioning during overwinding
    4. Mechanical linkage between power brake and contrivance
    5. Effectiveness of the power brake
    6. Effectiveness of the caturact cylinder
    7. Jerks/abnormal vibration during lifting
    8. Effectiveness of the steam stop valve
    9. Leakage of steam from the joints
    10. Sensitivity of the speed indicator
    11. Quality of the speed chart
    12. Ease in the interpretation of the recording system
    13. Workmanship
  1. Loco, IC Engine
    1. Brake
    2. Sanding arrangement
    3. Warning device
    4. Performance of exhaust conditioner
    5. Flame prop
    6. Catalytic Enverter
    7. Head light
    8. Seating comfort
    9. Canopy
    10. Starting.
  1. Fire Resistant Conveyor Belts
  1. Condition of top & bottom covers
  2. Condition of edges
  3. Wear
  4. Elongation
  5. Tonnage of material handled so far


Signature with date








(Please strike off whichever is not applicable)
1. (a) Complete details of the

elect. Equipment with type


of protection/cable:

    1. Name of manufacturer :
    2. Reference to DGMS field –


trial permission letter :


  1. Name of the mine where the



    equipment was installed :

  3. Location, quality, quantity,



    of air (ventilation):

  5. Humidity at the site of



    installation :

  7. Degree of gassiness of



    seam/zone in case of

    oil mines:

  9. Date of commencement of



    field trial :

  11. Date of reporting of



    performance :

  13. Purpose for which



    equipment was used:

  15. Audibility (clear/not clear)



    and the distance at which

    audibility fades out :

  17. Environmental effects on



    the performance of the system,

    If any :

  19. (a) Performance of



    insulation monitoring

    device, if provided.

    (b) Insulation Resistance

    values at the time of reporting:

  21. Suitability of components



    for rough usage.

  23. Temperature class/temperature



    rise of enclosure/glass/

    other components.

  25. Facilities for cable connections:
  26. Facilities for cable compounding.
  27. Facilities for earthing of body/neutral.
  28. Comments on flame path/flame gap/fastenings.
  29. Wattage (H.P.) / Amperage/ Voltage at which



    field trial was conducted.

  31. Facilities for fixation/ anchoring/




  33. Efficacy of interlocking


mechanism, if provided.


  1. Efficacy of protective devices


with available setting details.

O/L, U/V, E/l single phasing

preventor etc.

21. (a) Facilitates for testing of


earth leakage relay

    1. Provision of lock/cover


over "Reset" switch to

obviate unauthorised



  1. Facilities for replacement of parts/maintenance.
  2. Failure of equipment during field trial,



    If any.

  4. Any modification suggested.
  5. Remarks on the performance and


pitworthyness of the system/equipment.

( S e a l ) Signature with date

Name :


Designation :








  1. Details of equipment on trial:



  3. Reference of DGMS field trial approval letter



    with validity date:

  5. Name (s) of mine where trials conducted:
  6. Designation(s) of persons using trial equipment:



  8. Degree of gassiness of seam where trials conducted:



  10. Period of field trial: From…………………….. To……………………… (dates)
  11. Number of days trial conducted:
  12. Location where trials conducted



    (specify dev/dep/old workings/ sealed off area):

  14. Readings with the equipment:
  15. Date Location (pit/ seam/ district)
    Temp. & humidity at trial location Remarks
        With trial equipment With approved equipment By chemical analysis    

  16. Environmental effects on readings/ performance:



  18. Replacement of spare parts during trials:



  20. Comments on ease of use, maintenance & repair:



  22. Note on failure of equipment if any:



  24. Did the equipment in any way endangered safety?



    (if yes, details thereof)

  26. Adequacy of operation and maintenance instruction/ manual:



  28. Suggestion for improvements if any:



  30. Remarks on pitworthiness and performance:


Countersigned by:


Date: Date:

Name & Designation: Name & Designation:

(All field trial reports must be signed/countersigned by the Manager/ Agent of the mine)






1. (a) Name of explosive :

(b) Name of manufacturer :

(c) Type of explosive :

(i) P1 / P3 / P5 :

(ii) NG based (gel/ semi-gel/ powder) :

Slurry (aluminized/ other)/ Emulsion

2. Details of DGMS approval (for trials)

  1. Letter No. & date :
  2. Valid upto :
  3. For gassy seams of _________ degree :



    3. Details of sites of trial

    (i) (a) Name of the seam :

    (b) Degree of gassiness :

    (ii) Name of the district/ panel

    (a) Working thickness, gradient of seam, etc. :

    (b) Nature of coal (hardness, cleavages, band, etc.) :

  5. Method of work (development, depillaring, BOS, etc.) :

4. (a) Period of trial :

(b) Total quantity (Kg) of explosive used during trial blasts :

(c) No. of shots fired during trial blasts :

5. General remarks

(a) Name of DGMS official who attended the blast : Sri ____________________ on __________

(b) Blast details (appended) :

(c) Determination of post detonation fumes by :


  1. Comparative assessment of the performance &


Safety characteristics of the explosive with other

Comparable composition(s) :

6. Conclusion regarding suitability of explosive :


Date: Signature

Place: Name:





1. (a) Name of explosive :

(b) Name of manufacturer :

(c) Type of explosive :

(i) P1 / P3 / P5 :

(ii) NG based (gel/ semi-gel/ powder) :

Slurry (aluminized/ other)/ Emulsion

2. Details of DGMS approval (for trials)

  1. Letter No. & date :
  2. Valid upto :
  3. For gassy seams of _________ degree :

3. (a) Name of mine(s) to which this consolidated report relates :

(b) Total quantity of explosive used during the period :

4. General comments on:

(a) Explosive performance :

(b) Post detonation fume characteristics :

(c) Frequency of misfires or any other

unusual occurrences (specify) :

(d) Blast vibration effects on roof & sides :

  1. Safety & ease in handling, storage,


Transport, priming, etc. :(f) Any other remarks :


5. Comparative assessment of the performance &

Safety characteristics of the explosive with other

Comparable composition(s) :

6. Conclusion regarding suitability of explosives :

Date: Signature

Place: Name :

Designation :

Sl. No.   Particulars 1st Blast 2nd Blast 3rd Blast Remarks
1.   Site of trial blast:        
2.   Ventilation:        
  (a) Distance of face from last ventilation connection:        
  (b) Quantity of air at the last ventilation connection:        
  (c) Velocity of air at the face:        
  (d) Method of coursing air to the face:        
  (e) Percentage of inflammable gas in general body of air, at the face:        
3.   Gallery dimensions:        
4. (a) Depth of cut:        
  (b) Depth of holes:        
5.   No. of holes:        
6.   Quantity of explosives used (Kgs):        
7.   Tonnage of coal produced per Kg of explosive:        
8.   Comments on fragmentation, throw, etc. :        
9.   Misfires, if any:        
10.   Depth of sockets, presence of explosive in socket, any other unusual happening, such as deflagration, etc.        
11.   Post detonation fumes -        
  (a) Comments on the visible fumes produced        
  (b) By ______________ apparatus
  1. CO%
  2. NO + NO2 %
12.   Effect on roof, sides from blasting vibrations:        
13.   General comments regarding handling, storage, transport, priming, cartridge material, etc.:        
14.   Any other remarks:        


Date: Signature

Place: Name:
